Edith Layton

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Book: Edith Layton by Gypsy Lover Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gypsy Lover
like one. You said you were asked to find her, but how can I believe you?”
    He stopped his pacing and cocked his dark head again. She saw his white teeth glint in the growing light in the room. “Because,” he said, “who else are you going to believe?”
    He waited until she’d taken that in, and added, “I told you. I’m looking for her as a favor to her godmother. I’ll find her and take her home. That’s all there is to it. Now, again. Where do you think she’s gone?”
    She knew when she’d come to the end of one road. She’d acted like a fool, but she wasn’t one. Her experience tonight had showed her that this pursuit was filled with dangers she hadn’t foreseen. She needed help. This man, whoever he was, had a still, sure certainty about him. And he’d saved her from a terrible fate. For whatever reason, she trusted him, and though he was rough spoken at times, and certainly mysterious, she believed she could work with him.
    “I think,” Meg finally admitted, “she’s going to Plymouth.” She raised her eyes to his. “At least, I think I remember she had her finger on the map and it was on Plymouth.”
    She didn’t expect his reaction. He threw back his head and laughed. “Listen, Miss Margaret, I already knew that,” he said, on a last chuckle. “And you risked your pretty neck—and other pretty parts—for that? Folly.” He shook his head. “Why else do you think I’m here? I’ve followed you all the way, but I didn’t mean to. I saw you in passing and kept seeing you, and then I got interested. Nice work, the wayyou shook off the Runner Murchison sent after you. But I haven’t stuck to the main road. I met you by chance today. I’ve been on and off the road all the way down, asking questions of those who know answers. Your Rosalind is probably on her way to Plymouth. Or so I’d bet. And I’m on her trail. So go home. Or back to the baron’s, or to that governess of yours, if she even exists. Just go and leave this chase. All you can do is get hurt.”
    “No,” she said. “I can find her, exonerate myself, and be free. I won’t work for her family again, but I will be able to find work elsewhere and get on with my life, and I won’t be able to do that if I just give up and go away, and wait on events. So,” she said, pulling herself upright, “I have a bargain for you.”
    He stared.
    She nodded. “Yes. I can be invaluable to you. I know one thing you don’t. I know what she looks like.” She sat back and looked at him triumphantly.
    He smiled. “So you do. And so what? I have her description, and if she’s got a brain in her head, she doesn’t look like that anymore. I’m not just relying on her looks. I know other things about her, and her companion. Aye, I doubt she was abducted. It doesn’t look like she’s eager to give him the slip either, I’m told. Believe me, I’m on their trail.”
    “But I can make your work easier,” she argued.
    “Listen, my girl,” he said, shaking his head, “I understand your interest. But you can’t come with me. It’s a long road, maybe with danger ahead. Even ifthere isn’t, I’ll be sleeping in wagons and barns, when I’m lucky, and under hedgerows when I’m not. There’s no room for a female in my plans.”
    “But you must make room for me,” she insisted. “I can be of use to you. You’ll see.”
    “Oh,” he said thoughtfully. “Well, it ain’t the first time I’ve misread a wench. So no wonder you didn’t fear those villains.” His smile grew wider. He took a step toward her. “I’m flattered. I’m also willing and able. All right. I’ll oblige you now, but I’m leaving at dawn. So, I’m sorry, but it will have to be a quick one.”
    She stared.
    He came closer, his smile becoming a leer. “On the bed? Or where you are? I’m adaptable, too.”
    She shot to her feet. “I did not mean that !” she gasped.
    He laughed. “Didn’t really think so. You’ve got prim written all over you and that

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