planets. Inside the light of the new universe was HOPE, precious and precariously balanced on the edge of time and space. In that balance the idea of good and evil formed. Hope’s fragility gave all things in the universe a meaning for their existence.
The planets carried a sentience within them, a small developing form of consciousness much like that of a n unborn child. More importantly though they carried in them something that had not existed in any of the previous incarnations of the universe; they carried a piece of universal hope within them. With a stable orbit and a nurturing star, the planets became sentient individuals, with a greater population spread throughout the galaxy than all the people on Earth. Like humans, each was different and unique in their own way. Some remained barren, lonely rocks with no interest in changing their natural formation. Others created massive chemical changes inside themselves which gave them atmospheres and elemental deposits of various colors and hues. Some created life that lived and died symbiotically with them, while other life forms moved on, only remembering their home world as footnote in history. The lives of the planets spanned millions of years and when they died their bodies served as their own tombstones Eventually the parent star would collapse and the cycle would began anew.
Visions floated through his mind, drifting him comfortably through history. From the beginning explosion known as the Big Bang to the formation of his own solar system, Danny watched it all as if he sat in space.
Two planets around our Sun formed water, the rarest and most delicate element of all. He saw Mars struggle to hold on to its water, creating life that ended in misery when the liquid evaporated. As it dried up, Mars pulled back into itself and went to sleep. On Earth the water took hold and turned the planet blue, so blue that it could be seen from space. The Earth was proud of itself and when life sprang from its precious liquid it felt complete. Danny could feel the planets pride at what it had done. Water was so abundant on Earth yet so rare an idea to the other worlds. With that life giving liquid the planet experimented with a diversity of different life forms, channelling its own living energy into the different branches of evolution.
Danny also saw other things in glimpses, barely more than raw flashes of imagery from the farthest reaches of space where the light ended and the forever darkness began. The planets on the fringe grew without love or comfort. The evil that had ruled over the old universe still hid in the edges of creation. It could not manifest itself in another reality, its time had passed and it could not touch another realm directly. It was a stain, a black smear left over from the time before the Big Bang. The shadow’s very presence was enough to corrupt anything that came too close; Danny could feel the Earth’s fear of it.
On a world ten thousand times the size of the Earth a simple bacteria grew on the side of a massive mountain. Each time the planet’s orbit brought it into contact with the membrane of the universe, each time it grazed the darkness, the bacteria grew larger. The slow caress of evil at the edge of the universe rotted the planet, forming the Growth on the surface with each rotation of the sick planet’s orbit. It was nothing more than evil seeds, growing with each passing year. Eventually it spread across the entire face of the planet, covering every inch of it until the life force inside was suffocated. That world was home to the earliest incarnation of the Growth and on its own it was only a simple bacterium, virtually powerless. If not for random chance the Growth would have died eventually when its home planet crumbled to dust. The corpse of its world began to crumble, its gravity collapsing as it broke into hundreds of massive pieces. For a hundred thousand years the planet fell out of orbit, pulling away
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