Dust of Dreams

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Book: Dust of Dreams by Steven Erikson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steven Erikson
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collected the tablet, scanned the names scribed into the golden wax. Her brows rose. ‘Adjunct? This list—’
    ‘Refusals not permitted, Captain. Dismissed.’
    Out in the corridor once again, the two women paused upon seeing a Letherii approaching. Plainly dressed, an unadorned long, thin-bladed sword scabbarded at his hip, Brys Beddict possessed no extraordinary physical qualities, and yet neither Lostara nor Faradan Sort could take their eyes off him. Even a casual glance would slide past only to draw inexorably back, captured by something ineffable but undeniable.
    They parted to let him by.
    He halted to deliver a deferential half-bow. ‘Excuse me,’ he said, addressing Lostara, ‘I would speak with the Adjunct, if that is possible.’
    ‘Of course,’ she replied, reaching to open one of the double doors. ‘Just step inside and announce yourself.’
    ‘Thank you.’ A brief smile, and then he entered the chamber, closing the door behind him.
    Lostara sighed.
    ‘Yes,’ agreed Faradan Sort.
    After a moment they set out once more.
    As soon as the Adjunct turned to face him, Brys Beddict bowed, and then said, ‘Adjunct Tavore, greetings and salutations from the King.’
    ‘Be sure to return the sentiments, sir,’ she replied.
    ‘I shall. I have been instructed to deliver a caution, Adjunct, with respect to this session of divination you intend this night.’
    ‘What manner of caution, and from whom, if I may ask?’
    ‘There is an Elder God,’ said Brys. ‘One who traditionally chose to make the court of Letheras his temple, if you will, and did so for an unknown number of generations. He acted, more often than not, as consort to the Queen, and was known to most as Turudal Brizad. Generally, of course, his true identity was not known, but there can be no doubt that he is the Elder God known as the Errant, Master of the Tiles, which, as you know, is the Letherii corollary to your Deck of Dragons.’
    ‘Ah, I begin to comprehend.’
    ‘Indeed, Adjunct.’
    ‘The Errant would view the divination—and the Deck—as an imposition, a trespass.’
    ‘Adjunct, the response of an Elder God cannot be predicted, and this is especially true of the Errant, whose relationship with fate and chance is rather intense, as well as complicated.’
    ‘May I speak with this Turudal Brizad?’
    ‘The Elder God has not resumed that persona since before the Emperor’s reign; nor has he been seen in the palace. Yet I am assured that once more he has drawn close—probably stirred awake by your intentions.’
    ‘I am curious, who in the court of your king is capable of discerning such things?’
    Brys shifted uneasily. ‘That would be Bugg, Adjunct.’
    ‘The Chancellor?’
    ‘If that is the capacity in which you know him, then yes, the Chancellor.’
    Through all of this she had remained standing on the platform, but now she descended the four steps at one end and walked closer, colourless eyes searching Brys’s face. ‘Bugg. One of my High Mages finds him . . . how did he put it? Yes. “
.” But then, Quick Ben is unusual and prone to peculiar, often sardonic assessments. Is the Chancellor a Ceda—if that is the proper term for High Mage?’
    ‘It would be best to view him as such, yes, Adjunct.’
    She seemed to consider the matter for a time, and then she said, ‘While I am confident in the abilities of my mages to defend against most threats . . . that of an Elder God is likely well beyond their capacities. What of your Ceda?’
    ‘Bugg? Uh, no, I do not think he’s much frightened by the Errant. Alas, he intends to take refuge tonight should you proceed with the reading. As I stated earlier, I am here to give caution and convey King Tehol’s genuine concern for your safety.’
    She seemed to find his words discomforting, for she turned away and walked slowly round to halt at one end of the rectangular table, whereupon she faced him once more. ‘Thank you, Brys Beddict,’ she said

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