Drowning Ophelia (Immoral Dracula)

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Book: Drowning Ophelia (Immoral Dracula) by Eva Natsumi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eva Natsumi
Tags: Paranormal Sci-Fi Fantasy Dark Erotica
like Grecian marble statues. She looked tough and gentle. Well groomed and dirty. Ophelia shifted. Covering her wet breasts, she looked around. No, the bus was still entirely crowded and hers was still the only seat available.
    “Ya nee’ta sit.” The bus driver twitched. Ophelia reluctantly moved toward the empty seat, looking back occasionally at the bus driver.  
    The bus lurched forward while Ophelia still peered over a shoulder. Her neck snapped forward and Ophelia’s vision was a whirlwind. Her body thrust with the lurch, arching with an invisible push. Navel colliding with the corner of one seat, head smacking another, she contorted and fell backward in to the lap of the woman. Ophelia rubbed her temple, disoriented.  
    “Are you okay?”
    “I think so,” Ophelia said, sitting up, “I don’t know what just happened.”  
    “It happened so quickly. The bus started and you fell. The guys a jerk,” the woman gestured up front, “I don’t know who let him drive.” Ophelia nodded, looking to her lap. Her dress was soaked clean through. The skin shone through like moonlight. One could see everything, like the smooth outline of her thigh tracing the smooth, pink between her thighs. The woman noticed. Ophelia flushed.  
    “I’m Nina.” Nina took off her sweater and gave it to Ophelia. The sweater caught the shirt underneath, revealing her supple and voluptuous breasts. Ophelia took the sweater, wordless as she watched Nina pull her white undershirt back over her bosom. The thin cotton did nothing to hide what was underneath; a circular outline of her heaving bosom peaked by dark, pointy nipples.
    “Th-Thanks,” Ophelia finally managed to stutter, embarrassed by her brazenness. Ophelia lifted her arms to put her sweater on. As she lifted her arm, the hem of her dress came with. Ophelia was exposed for an instant, and for an instant Nina watched.
    Ophelia got the sweater on over her nipples perky from the wet storm. She flushed when she noticed her exposed self and ran a smooth finger over the top of her hemline. Nina placed a delicate hand on Ophelia’s cold thighs and Ophelia felt herself grow wet between the legs, and it was not just from the rain.  
    It was all so confusing. Who was this woman? She was kind and she gave Ophelia her sweater. What an incredibly doltish thing to do, not unpacking a sweater when standing in the rain! And she had the most luscious lips. What was she doing putting a hand on her thigh, though? Not that Ophelia minded. It was warm, soft, and she kind of wished that she would move it up an inch or two. She was so curious…
    Ophelia turned her head, silvery hair falling in her face. She placed one hand on her thighs, surreptitiously moving her fingers just so theirs touched. She shifted her legs just so her hemline lifted.

    “It’s always been a fantasy of mine to join the mile high club.”
    “Me too…” Ophelia didn’t feel like sharing that she hadn’t even joined the zero miles high club. The two had been flirting with each other for the past hour, and Ophelia had been doing it the most. This was her raison d'être. She wouldn’t call herself a tease per se… but others might. Is it still a tease if one is just afraid? Ophelia just couldn’t let go of the fork. Get too close and she’ll stab one in the neck. “Too bad we aren’t in an airplane.” Ophelia pulled out her fork. Nina squinted. “But there are so many people.” Ophelia lifted her fork to Nina. Nina smiled devilishly, leaning toward her. Nina placed one hand around her shoulder and another under her dress “I’ll be quiet if you will.” Ophelia bit her lip as Nina inserted one finger inside her. It did feel good… She lowered her fork. “Shhh…” Nina rotated her thumb, slowly teasing her.    
    “Lift up your dress,” Nina whispered, nibbling on Ophelia’s ear.  
    “But the people…” Nina inserted another finger. “I want to see you.” Ophelia mumbled a slight protest and Nina

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