Down and Out: A Young Adult Dystopian Adventure (The Undercity Series Book 1)
    “It’s not just paying, Teddy.”
    He tugged at his pants. “We found all this new junk; we could use some to see him.”
    “He doesn’t treat Underlings no matter how much they offer him.” Her voice stuck in her throat. “And he doesn’t have to. He doesn’t have to. No laws exist to make him and he is the only medical person in the city. No one else possesses the knowledge he does. The profession was a tradition passed down from his ancestors, which they didn’t share with anyone else.” She threw her hands up, her eyes glistening with tears. “There’s nothing we can do except love her and comfort her.”
    “Not right,” said Henri as he appeared, filling the doorway.
    “Oh, Henri, yes,” Ma said. Weariness hunched her shoulders as she stood. “I know, but some things no amount of muscle can alter.”
    His open, happy face crumpled and Teddy clasped his shoulder.
    “I don’t understand either. No one seems bothered by a few slugs thriving off the suffering of others. I think things were different once. At least, that’s what the books I’ve read say. It’s possible those are only stories or myths. I don’t know. Not important, I guess.”
    “It matters.”
    Ma kissed Teddy on his forehead. “Yes, but a good night’s sleep will help. The pants are good. Wear them out a little before you venture beyond our walls. Don’t want to stir up any attention.” Her tired voice cracked as if she wished they didn’t play so many games to survive. She patted Henri on his broad shoulder as she left the room, and he swayed his head.
    He sat down in the hammock and let it swing. “Yeah?”
    “We can fix?”
    As Teddy laced his fingers behind his head, he contemplated the giant who stood wringing his hands. The jacket fit him and made him seem a little tougher, but too much kindness and emotion shone from him. His eyes danced as though searching his brain for a thought, a plan. “We’ll try.”
    “We’ll try what?” Jolon asked, sauntering in. He didn’t carry any bugs or food and his new clothes almost made him appear as though he belonged up top despite his slight limp.
    Henri dumped himself on the bed. “To fix this.”
    He made a face. “To fix what?”
    “Our situation,” Teddy said, knowing he was vague, but not certain how to share the thoughts crowding his brain. “Where are the others?”
    His brother plopped in his chair. “Deb is attempting to read Caden a story. She is enduring it because she can rest and the parents are in the warehouse dealing with a visit from the Mercury brothers. Someone wants to purchase a wedding dress and four matching bridesmaids’ dresses and they must get them now.”
    Teddy snorted. “Luck with that.”
    “Yeah, finding a matching anything these days is almost impossible, but it’s one of greenhouse baron’s daughters marrying one of the water barons. She’s sixteen, and he’s something like fifty. He was the guy who turned up last week complaining he shouldn’t have to go through any middle people; he should be able to purchase things direct from us. Now Ma and Pa need to soothe ruffled feathers and assure Mercury Brothers Inc. They have no intentions of going against convention.”
    Frowning, Teddy sat up. “We should go help.”
    “I can fix.”
    “Na, they want to appeal to them on a more passive level. Any show of strength may cause them to think we’re hiding something,” Jolon said.
    Henri bounded to his feet, pacing. “Why hire brute if I can’t brute?” He jabbed at his chest. “I fix.”
    For a moment, he almost believed him except his eyes were glistening. “We don’t need impulsive actions; we need cool, calm planning.”
    “Don’t get wired, big guy.” Jolon patted the brute’s leg. “You’ll get your chance. Don’t want to tip our hand too fast.”
    Teddy laughed. “You look like a cheap gambler,” he said as his brother put his feet up. “You were sneaking off to the games at Under

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