Dirty Old Men [And Other Stories] (Zane Presents)

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Book: Dirty Old Men [And Other Stories] (Zane Presents) by Omar Tyree Read Free Book Online
Authors: Omar Tyree
open flirtations were all acceptable. So she began to daydream about what the boss would be like in bed.
    “Hey, what’s on your mind, girl? How come you’re over here looking all stiff?” Rocki walked over and asked her.
    Beverly shook it off. “Oh, I was just…thinking.”
    “About what?
    Beverly grinned and fibbed, “I think that wine was a little too strong for me,” to throw her friend off track.
    Rocki looked her in her eyes. “Oh, well, in that case, don’t talk to these men too strong in here. Because about
of them tried to pick me up already. And I know your little body can’t defend yourself after no drinks. So I better stay right here next to you.”
    Beverly didn’t like the sound of that. She liked her private space. “I’m not
buzzed. I’m not drinking anymore, that’s all.”
    “Well, still, I need to stick by you, just in case.”
    “Walk with me to the bathroom then.”
    As they made their stroll toward the restrooms, a much younger man than the average in the room approached them. He looked no more than his late twenties, where the room average was forty-something. But the average woman in room was a decade or so younger.
    “Hey, how are you guys doing? I’m Gregory Daniel.”
    He extended his right hand to them. He looked like a younger, taller version of the next big man in the city. And his eyes were all over Beverly.
    Rocki looked him up and down and stretched her eyes wide, impressed with him. She shook his extended hand. “Well, I’m Raquelle, and this is my girl Beverly.”
    Beverly shook his hand and immediately caught David Butler in clear eye view from the right. He was speaking to another group of his admirers. She was paying so much attention to her cat-and-mouse game with David that she hardly listened to the younger man, who was single, flattering and closer to her age and speed.
    “Oh, what was that?” she asked him absentmindedly.
    Rocki told him, “Don’t mind her; she’s a little buzzed right now. We were headed to the bathroom to unload it.”
    Gregory laughed at Rocki’s candidness. “Well, make sure you see me again before you leave. And take my card with you,” he told them both, handing both of them his business card.
    Rocki looked over his laminated card with his photo for real estate. “I’ll make sure she calls you when she starts looking for a house or something.” She had no confusion about who he was interested in. And it was no big deal to her. Rocki had her share of men in the room as well.
    “Or before then,” Gregory countered.
    Beverly flipped his card over in her hands and held it out a little longer to make sure that David would see it from the distance.
    Now let’s see what he does about this?
she pondered.
    When they reached the bathroom, Rocki asked her friend, “Girl, what’s wrong with you tonight? You didn’t like him? He was practically
over you.”
    Beverly grinned and blew it off without a word. She couldn’t say the young man was not attractive; he was. Her mind was simply preoccupied. “I don’t really want to be in a new relationship right now. I think I need a summer break.”
    Rocki pushed the ladies bathroom door open. “Who was talking about a relationship? Just
the man and see what he’s about.”
    Inside the bathroom, they encountered C.J., who was powdering her face in the mirror.
    The secretary looked at them both and grunted, “Hey.” Then she looked toward Rocki. “Who are you talking about?” She knew Raquelle was more likely to give her an honest answer. Beverly was more secretive.
    Rocki grimaced. “Umm, some guy we met.” She figured it was none of C.J.’s business.
Beverly thought of answering boldly. But she would never do that. Her private life would remain
That’s how she had always been, private and dedicated to her love interests.
    C.J. shrugged and mumbled, “All right.” She finished her powder job in the mirror, then she gathered her bag and

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