Did I Mention I Won The Lottery?
hadn’t bothered to leave him
any meals prepared. But it was only a tiny moment and soon
disappeared as she spent the next hour cleaning the kitchen and
restoring order. At least it gave her time to take her suitcase
upstairs and unpack out of the way of prying eyes. Not that Daniel
would have bothered to watch her unpack, he seemed to have very
little desire to pry into her life these days. The laptop went onto
the top shelf of the wardrobe amongst the shoe boxes, the phone
went into her handbag, the clothes into the wardrobe. The
toiletries and cosmetics were shared between the bathroom and her
dressing table and when everything was unpacked and the suitcase
put away, Rebecca went downstairs to make a cup of tea which she
took to bed before falling into an exhausted sleep.
    In the morning
she had received a grudging apology from Daniel for his late return
home before he brought her up to date with every slight and insult
he felt had come his way during her absence. He was incensed that
Peter had now insisted that Daniel bring himself up to date with
the new practices of the business whether he wanted to or not.
    How dare he!
Did he not realise how much experience Daniel had in this business?
Did he not understand how much Daniel knew about the packaging
business? Didn’t he know just how many customers Daniel had brought
to White’s over the year? How dare he act as though he was in
charge. How dare he!
listened as she gazed around the kitchen and thought about her new
house. The kitchen alone was as big as the ground floor of their
Darlington house. She couldn’t wait to move.
    ‘Are you
listening to me!’ Daniel was thrusting his quivering red face
inches from her own.
    Rebecca put
down her coffee cup. ‘Yes I’m listening. But Peter is in charge
though, isn’t he Daniel?’ and she walked out of the kitchen leaving
Daniel, for once, silent.

    So she had not
told Daniel about the 15.7 million pounds in her bank account. Or
the house she had arranged to buy in Leeds. She hadn’t told Daniel
and therefore she couldn’t tell Carol and Susie so she turned up
for her shift as usual that afternoon, answered all their questions
about her mum and her few days in Leeds and carried on as though
everything was exactly the same as normal. They admired her hair
and she admitted she had decided to treat herself but she didn’t
wear any of her new clothes and the new perfume stayed on her
dressing table. It was a normal day and half way through Rebecca
began to wonder if it had all been a dream until she arrived home
and checked her account online. There it was on the screen, 15.7
million pounds, large, bold and real and sitting in her account.
She closed the laptop and went into the kitchen to peel some

    She didn’t tell
Daniel that evening, or the next morning, or the next evening. She
still hadn’t told Daniel on Friday morning when she took a call
from Leslie to arrange a meeting the following day with another
Lottery advisor followed by a call from Annie to check that all was
ok and to suggest a date for the signing of the contracts and
finally a call from Sarah saying what fun it had been to spend some
time with her mum the previous week.
    Every night
Rebecca decided that she would break the news, show him the ticket,
show him her bank account balance on the computer. She would
explain that she hadn’t told him earlier because she had wanted to
be absolutely sure. She would have to explain that she had already
bought a house, that would be hard, but initially she just needed
to tell him about the money, about her win.
    But it simply
hadn’t happened. For some reason as she sat and watched him eating
his meal, listening to his usual angry rant about the state of
White’s since Peter Thompson took over, how humiliating they were
making it for him, how they didn’t know what they were doing; as
she listened to the excuses why none of his deals had completed,
listened to the reasons why there was

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