Devi's Paradise
the right of the rocks. Romilly looked towards it and her blood froze in her veins. What had appeared to be bush and scrubby trees began to stir and form into shapes of men, with gaudy patterns daubed over their bare brown skin, wearing feathers in their hair and carrying spears. Sunlight glistened on the primitive ornaments banding their wrists and necks, and their appearance was so fearsome that terror gripped her.
    They emerged boldly and their leader, a thickset man whose cock was covered by a bark sheath, advanced and shouted in a strange, guttural tongue, gesticulating as he spoke.
    ‘Now look here, fellow,’ Jamie began, standing his ground, accustomed to pulling rank. ‘These ladies and myself have been cast ashore. We need food, clothing and shelter. I demand that you supply it.’
    ‘Don’t be so silly, James, you noodle,’ Alvina said crossly. ‘He can’t understand a word you’re saying. I’ll try a different approach.’
    She turned on her most winning smile, made sure that her wet robe was slipping off her shoulders displaying prominent nipples, then addressed the leader. ‘Good morrow, friend. Can you help us? We are hopelessly lost, and would be eternally grateful.’
    And all the time she was glancing at him playfully from under her long lashes, and letting her gaze drop to the large object hidden by its pliant wooden covering at the fork of his thighs. His hair was blue-black, cut in a severe bob, and his lower lip was distended by a disc, his nostrils pierced by porcupine quills. Reassured by her smile he turned to the other warriors, gabbling excitedly. They lowered their spears. They circled their captives, particularly interested in the women, though they had George lower his breeches and examined his penis and balls, and then made him bend over so they might look up his bottom.
    Romilly was too frightened to resist, yet resented the familiar way in which the natives handled her, though they seemed driven by curiosity more than desire. Their brightly painted bodies were almost hairless, their hair black as ink, their eyes dark and glistening. They were short of stature, with lean flanks and bare cocks that bounced as they walked. Only their leader had his protected. Romilly had never in her life seen so many male appendages all at once. She didn’t know where to look.
    ‘Nature’s afterthought,’ remarked Alvina, scathingly. ‘The prick and balls are not a pretty sight at the best of times, whereas a woman’s pussy is neat and tucked away.’
    ‘How can you jest about it?’ Romilly objected, trembling as one brave with sharply filed teeth took her right nipple between his fingers and rolled it experimentally, making a comment to his companions who laughed uproariously.
    They were not brutal in their handling, filled with interest and enjoyment as they pinched breasts and drove impudent fingers between legs. ‘Let them do it,’ Alvina advised. ‘We don’t want to antagonise them, do we? Follow George’s example. He’s not objecting as they finger his arsehole.’
    ‘Perhaps he’s enjoying it,’ Romilly snapped back, remembering seeing him with Clive Morrison. Was it only last night? It seemed a lifetime ago.
    ‘I wouldn’t be surprised,’ replied Alvina with a giggle and a sudden ‘ouch’ as one of the men became a little too forceful, sinking his forefinger up to the second knuckle in her love channel.
    The leader became tired of this game and ordered his band to gather up what they could salvage from the wreckage and then tie their prisoners’ hands behind them with vines as tough as rope, and march them into the jungle.
    It was like walking through a dim, cool cathedral, the trees forming a canopy over their heads, hung with exotic orchids and purple blossoms. Parrots flew up on rainbow-hued wings, and giant butterflies perched on the flowers, extracting the nectar. It was a colourful, wild, overwhelming place.
    ‘Eden must have resembled this, before the fall,’

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