donated fanatically to the PTSD cause on Earth simply because he could
relate. He and Jovan had recalled the private tortures they had endured at the hands of the
disease a few times throughout the years, mainly before Jovan began distancing himself
from everyone.
Liberty inhaled, then took yet another gulp of the whiskey. “After that, with our
military decimated, and a key member of our Royal Congress losing his wits, the
universe shifted.”
Jovan reached for the bottle of whiskey, and not bothering with a glass, took a
long drink.
Liberty studied the rest of the amber liquid in her glass and remained quiet for a
few moments.
“Liberty,” Rayner said quietly, “I’m getting the feeling that there’s some bad shit
about to come down the pipeline, and I’m kind of a ‘let’s get it over’ guy.”
Liberty met his gaze, and then Faith said quietly, her large brown eyes pleading,
“Liberty, what happened next?”
“We came under attack from the Miladrids. ”
“Seriously?” Hudson said, leaning back and crossing his arms across his chest.
The Miladrids were beings from another planet in their solar system, and they had
never shown any aggression toward the inhabitants of SR44.
“Yes,” Liberty said.
Because of the military downsizing, the planet didn’t stand a chance against an
attack from another world, and the death was great, the sadness and hurt beyond
And then the Miladrids freed the Colonists.
“They were on a mission of destruction against their own people,” Liberty
whispered, as Jovan watched the horror play across her face. “They killed at will and at
“When it was certain that we had no more fight, when the citizens of SR44 turned
on the Royal Congress and it looked as though our world would implode, my sire decided
to put together an escape pod. The coordinates for Earth were already programmed, so it
was decided we would travel here.”
Jovan felt the emotions in the room building even though he wasn’t touching
anyone, and he hated his so-called gift more than ever. He mainly felt anger and sadness,
and he took another swig from the bottle hoping the whiskey would block some of it out.
“On that pod there were twelve of us that consisted of The Platoon—a few other
females and me.”
“Who’s The Platoon?” Jovan asked.
“They are a few of the troopers that were left in our military. They refer to
themselves as The Platoon.”
“No offense, but why you?” Rayner asked. “And where are the others?”
Jovan watched as she took a couple of deep breaths.
“The females were meant to carry on our race here in Earth,” she said, “and the
males of The Platoon were sent to sire that race. I was sent because I have royal breeding.
However, on our travels, members of The Platoon came up with another proposal for
their time on Earth.”
“And that is?” Rayner urged.
“They would avenge the destruction of our home. They would kill the son of the
Royal Council member who insisted on the downsizing of our military.”
Jovan looked to Noah, who just stared at Liberty.
“So, just to be clear, Noah’s father ordered that the military be downsized, SR44
was unable to defend themselves from the Miladrids, and now they’re coming after
Noah?” Hudson said.
Jovan heard a couple of growls from around the table.
Liberty nodded, still not meeting anyone’s eyes. She sipped at her whiskey.
“And they’re here?” Jovan asked quietly.
Liberty turned and met his gaze for an instant with tears in her eyes. She then
looked down at the table again. “Oh, yes, Jovan. They are here. When we landed in the
desert, it was a fiery mess. Some perished. Those of us that survived stayed together to
come up with a plan of action, of where we would go. It was only hours after the crash
that large aerial vehicles hovered above us, and males appeared out of nowhere dressed in
dark fabrics and carrying weapons. Those who were
Michelle Zink
Lisa Plumley
Ellen Miles
Mia Zabrisky
Mina V. Esguerra
C.C. Koen
J. M. Gregson
Chris Ward
Danielle Taylor
Tasha Jones