Destined for the Dom [Masters of Submission 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Book: Destined for the Dom [Masters of Submission 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) by Jan Bowles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Bowles
Tags: Romance
when I’m dreaming, I think I’m still fighting the Taliban. Sometimes I wake up with a start, and the sheets are soaked through with sweat.”
    Zoë placed her forearms at the side of his neck, rolling them outward. “Keep going, Hunter. Let it out, baby.”
    “It always takes me a while to settle again. Sometimes I just can’t go back to sleep at all. It’s real hard to erase such images from my mind.”
    “Did they give you any help? The Marines I mean?”
    He laughed bitterly. “Yeah, they gave us some coping techniques, and we had our periodic debriefings. But that ain’t worth Jack shit, when it’s the middle of the night, and unwanted thoughts are fucking with your head.”
    Zoë massaged his weary temples with smooth circular movements. “Sometimes I think the world would be a far better place if it were run by women.”
    “Over my dead body, Peaches. Why?”
    Zoë spread her fingers onto his scalp, enjoying the feeling as his thick locks caressed the back of her hands. She applied a little more pressure. “Women aren’t naturally aggressive, are they? So there wouldn’t be so many wars. That means there wouldn’t be as much emotional trauma for guys like you to deal with.”
    He grunted indignantly. “I’m not so sure. There were some real ball-breaker women back at the base, I can tell you.” He chuckled, lightening the mood. “They’d frighten the life out of you, if you saw them up close.”
    “That bad, huh?”
    “Us guys used to wonder if they were packing something extra down their pants.”
    Zoë giggled. “You mean something extra like a penis?”
    Hunter laughed out loud, and then pulled her onto his lap. “Thanks, that massage has really helped lighten my mood. It was nice just having some fun memories for a change.”
    Zoë kissed his cheek. “Anytime, Hunter. I’m glad I could help.”
    He stroked his hand over her arm, lightly caressing the material of the robe. “Is this mine?” he asked, grasping the neckline and peeling it back to reveal her full breasts.
    “I hope you don’t mind?”
    “No, but you must always ask in future.” He placed a finger under her chin and angled her face to his. In the darkness, she could just make out his eyes glinting mischievously in the silvery moonlight. “Did you enjoy your first experience in the playroom?”
    “Yes,” she answered truthfully, lowering her gaze in case she gave too much away.
    “Now look at me and tell me what you liked most.”
    Zoë raised her eyes back to his. “The feeling of being helpless.” Hunter palmed her breasts, squeezing her nipples tightly between his fingers.
    “And what else?” He caressed her belly and back, smoothing his hand lower, enjoying the curve of her butt as she wriggled on his lap.
    “I like watching you, Hunter. I like the way you move. You move like a man.”
    Her answer caused him to still the movements of his hand. He stared into her eyes, and then asked, “And just exactly what do you see when you watch me?”
    “A strong, powerful man in his element. You came alive, Hunter. It was breathtaking being controlled by you.”
    Hunter took her hand in his and brought it to his mouth. He brushed his lips tenderly over her skin. “I have much to teach you, Peaches.”
    “I know, and it scares me…” She paused briefly, searching for the right words. “But it draws me in, too. The playroom is like a powerful magnet that I simply can’t resist. I know I should run in the opposite direction. I mean, any sane woman would, but I can’t seem to get it out of my head. I want more of what happens in there. I want to experience it again.”
    “Listen, Zoë, the playroom is my fantasy. It’s where I can let go completely and be true to myself. Being dominant comes naturally to me.”
    She leaned forward and kissed his lips. “I feel like I could be your natural submissive, Hunter, but only in the playroom. Outside, I’m my own woman, and don’t you ever forget it.”


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