Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel)

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Book: Descent (A Hidden Wings Novella: Prequel) by Cameo Renae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cameo Renae
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ask Victoria if she would be willing to raise her child. This was not an easy thing to ask someone to do, to raise a child who was not their own.
    Alaine worried over how she was going to present them with the news.
    How could she e xplain that she was only pregnant for a few months, and then would be giving birth?
    W hat if they said no?
    If Victoria and Christian didn’t want her child, Alaine had no other plans and had no clue of what she would do.
    The thought of her child being with family would make the loss a bit easier, and Alaine knew that Victoria and Christian would make perfect parents. The downside was that she and Samuel would have to remain completely out of their lives to ensure their safety.
    Alaine calle d Victoria and set up meeting with her and her fiancé Christian a few days later. Samuel was away, so she would have to do this herself, but she wanted to prepare them as much in advance as she could. She just hoped and prayed that they would accept her offer. Her most precious gift.
    When the day arrived, Alaine’s stomach churned, twisting and turning in knots. Christian and Victoria met her at a small café in town. They greeted each other, and then Alaine led them to a private booth in the back corner.
    Victoria was gorgeous in just a simple white to p and blue jeans. Her bright green eyes lit up when she saw Alaine, and a smile widened on her flawless, porcelain face. Christian was not too bad looking either. He had ash-blond hair, which was neatly cut, and baby blue eyes. They both looked so in love, so thrilled to just be in each other’s presence.
    They both sat across from Alaine, and Victoria knew imme diately that something was up.
    “Hey, is everything okay?” Victoria questioned.
    “ Yes. Everything’s fine. I just need to ask you both a serious question.”
    Victoria and Christian glanced at each other and then both sets of eyes steeled on Alaine. Alaine’s pulse raced and her stomach twisted.
    “ Have you ever discussed or considered having children?” Alaine asked.
    Their faces dr opped, and Victoria glanced over to Christian.
    Christian took hold of her hand, and then turned to Alaine. “We have discussed it, but I have a medical condition which makes me unable to have children. But we have discussed our options, and were thinking that maybe we’d adopt in the future. But that’s a few years down the line. We’d like to travel a bit first, and spend some married time alone before we take the plunge and raise a child.” Christian grinned and wrapped his arm around Victoria.
    Alaine’s heart sank. She was quiet, feeling horrible for thinking of asking them to carry such a heavy load. They had already made plans that didn’t include a child. But then again, maybe if they were given the option…?
    “Alaine, what is it? What did you want to ask us?” Victoria said softly.
    Alaine paused and gazed lovingly into her sister’s eyes.
    “I’ m pregnant.” Alaine’s eyes immediately started to fill with tears.
    Victoria gasped, and held both hands over her mouth. Her eyes started to pool as she looked at Alaine.
    “ Oh, Alaine, I’m---” Victoria didn’t know how to respond, not knowing if this news was good or bad. 
    “ I can’t keep the baby,” she sobbed. “I asked you both to meet me here to see if maybe you’d be willing to care for it.”
    “Like adopt?” Christian breathed with a look of confusion on his face.
    “Yes,” Alaine sniffed. She grabbed a napkin and dabbed the wet away, trying to compose herself .
    “When is your due date?” he questioned.
    “I’m not sure, but it would be in about three months. ”
    “Three months?” Victoria inhaled , looking at Alaine’s belly. “You don’t even look like you’re pregnant.”
    “It’s complicated,” was all Alaine could say as she looked into Victoria’s eyes. Victoria nodded, knowing the secrets that her sister had shared with her. She knew this child would be different. Special.
    She turned to

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