Deprivation House

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Book: Deprivation House by Franklin W. Dixon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Franklin W. Dixon
peanut oil, no one even said the word peanuts while performing food prep,” Joe told him.
    â€œThanks again for last night,” he told Ripley.
    â€œYou’re welcome,” she said.
    Had she turned her head a little toward the camera mounted in the corner before she answered? She didn’t do it in an obvious Kit-style way. But I thought she might have.
    â€œYou cooked these?” Brynn asked Joe, forking some scrambled eggs into her mouth.
    â€œI did,” he answered.
    She smiled. “You’re so talented.”
    If my brother was a cartoon, he’d have little hearts circling around his read right now. I could see it. There was something about her that just made you want to look and keep on looking.
    â€œThe food’s a lot better than last night, that’s for sure,” Wilson commented.
    â€œThere was nothing wrong with last night’s food,” snapped James. He was one of the cooks of last night’s food.
    â€œI loaded the dishwasher last night, and approximately forty-three percent of the food was left on the plates,” Rosemary volunteered.
    â€œThat’s because we’d spent the day scooping up cockroaches,” Hal protested. He’d also been one of the cooks. “Who could eat after that?”
    He had a point.
    â€œThe hamburgers were bloody in the middle,” Mary said. She gave a little shudder.
    â€œAnd the frozen french fries—you’re not supposed to serve them frozen,” Silent Girl said.
    Kit pointed at her. “You spoke!”
    â€œI didn’t even know you could,” Mikey said. “I didn’t want to ask in case there was some kind of tragic story.”
    â€œAny information you give about yourself can be used against you on these shows. So I decidednot to talk. I’m going back to not talking now. Those french fries made me do it,” Silent Girl answered.
    We all watched her for a few seconds, but she returned to eating. It didn’t seem like she had any intention of speaking again.
    â€œActually, last night’s dinner gave me the idea for what luxury I’m having taken away,” Bobby T announced.
    The room went still.
    â€œI decided to give up hot food,” Bobby said. “So no stove or microwave.”
    â€œNo toaster, no waffle maker,” Veronica added, stepping into the room. She had on an emerald green suit today. Short and shiny. Her white-blond hair was in a complicated twist at the back of her head. “No George Foreman grill. No barbecue. No crockpot, no rice cooker, no espresso machine, no coffeemaker, no hot plates, no—”
    â€œWait! Back it up!” Kit exclaimed. “No coffeemaker?”
    â€œNothing to make hot food or beverages,” Veronica said firmly.
    Kit grabbed her coffee cup and drained it. Then she dashed to the kitchen. She returned moments later. “It’s already gone!” she burst out.
    â€œYes, it is,” Veronica said with a smile. “Also, thephones have been removed. I’ll need all your cell phones, too.”
    Mitch appeared with the velvet bag, and we all—well, most of us—began pulling cells from our pockets. I noticed Olivia didn’t have one. Wilson either. Bobby T had four.
    â€œWhat if there’s an emergency?” I asked. “I had to use my cell to call 911 for Bobby last night.”
    â€œUse the intercom. It reaches my quarters and all the crew and staff’s,” Veronica answered. “I can see some of you are already feeling frustrated. Now is the perfect time to tell you about the Deprivation Chamber. We’ve set up a soundproof booth in what used to be the billiard room. If you feel the need to vent about how horrible it is to live without your usual luxuries, just pop into the booth and go ahead.”
    â€œBut filmed, right?” Olivia asked.
    â€œOf course filmed,” Veronica answered. “And anything on film may be used on any of the episodes.

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