Death of a Songbird

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Book: Death of a Songbird by Christine Goff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Goff
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Alliance. She loved birds, especially migratory birds. But why Owens instead of the organization? “Did he know?”
    Arquette chuckled. “Bernie Crandall asked me the same question. To be honest, I don’t know if he knew anything before I called him this morning. Do I think your new partner killed Esther for her money? Not a chance.”
    There was a long silence, punctuated by the shak shak shak of a Steller’s jay and the hum of the kitchen refrigerator. Rachel, Gertie, Dorothy, and Cecilia seemed to be holding their breath.
    “I guess that about wraps things up,” Lark said finally.
    “Feel free to call back if you need anything.”
    “Wait, there is one more thing, Mr. Arquette. What do you know about immigration law?” Lark explained the situation with Teresa. “Is there anything that can be done, any way we can help her?”
    Arquette made a clicking noise. “For the record, I’m not an expert in the field.”
    “She might be able to apply to INS for an ‘unskilled worker’ permit, but the waiting list for obtaining one runs into the years. There’s a slim chance she could qualify as a ‘skilled worker,’ provided you have a job tailor-made to her qualifications. Does she have any special job skills?”
    “She’s a superior waitress, and she can sing.”
    “Unfortunately, neither one qualifies.”
    Lark racked her brain. Was she overlooking something? Teresa had worked on her father’s coffee farm for years. Maybe she knew something about import or exportation. “What constitutes special?”
    “Let’s just say, sports stars don’t have a problem obtaining permits. Neither do engineers, computer specialists, scientists… you get the drift. And understand, of course, that either option hinges on the current state of her visa.”
    “How so?”
    “If her visa’s current, we can make application and ask for an extension of her visitor papers. It would mean she couldn’t work, but she could remain in the U.S., at least until an immigration permit is granted or until she reapplies for an extension.”
    “What if her visa’s already expired?” A distinct possibility. This was August. Esther’s last buying trip to Chiapas had been in December.
    “According to the new laws, she’d be forced to return to Mexico and live outside the U.S. for several years. After that, she can reapply.”
    It was a moot point. Teresa would never agree to go back to Chiapas. She’d disappear first.
    “What happens if we do nothing?”
    “She may never get caught. And, even if you employ her, you may never get fined.”
    Lark felt a surge of hope. “Why’s that?”
    “INS has their hands full. The state of Colorado hosts approximately forty-five thousand illegal immigrants versus seventeen assigned INS agents. Immigration’s fighting an uphill battle.”
    “Thanks for the help, Mr. Arquette.” Lark signed off and immediately dialed Bernie Crandall. He answered his own phone on the third ring. “Yo?”
    “Bernie, it’s Lark. I just finished talking with Arquette. He told me that once you gave the go-ahead, we could reopen the Warbler.”
    “Consider it done, Drummond. The boys didn’t need long inside.”
    “Great.” Images of powder-covered counters flashed through her head. “I’ll need Esther’s set of keys.”
    “Sure thing. You can pick ’em up at the station.”
    “How ’bout tomorrow? Say around nine? If I’m not here, I’ll leave them with the sergeant at the front desk.”
    “Great,” she said again. “And, hey, I know what the letters on the ski cap were.” She explained how Rachel had written them down in the field book. “E, Z, L, N. None of us have a clue what they stand for.”
    “Thanks, Drummond, that’s a big help. Who’s us?”
    Lark hesitated. “Gertie, Dorothy, Cecilia, Rachel, and me.”
    “Geez, so how long before all of Elk Park knows?”
    Lark glanced at the others. “We’ll keep it to ourselves.”
    “You might, but

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