Death By Carbs

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Book: Death By Carbs by Paige Nick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paige Nick
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feline kilos. Over seven hundred likes, one hundred and fifty-seven shares, and two hundred and twenty comments and counting. It was as if Maureen had gone viral.
    Now, Lydia was really close to reaching her goal weight, thanks to Banting and Maureen’s Marvellous Tim Noakes ENDORSED Meal Plans. Just the other day, Maureen had replaced Lydia’s blurry, fat-from-behind profile picture with another side-on, generic picture of a pretty blonde girl she’d found buried somewhere on Google. And Lydia had posted that she was now the gorgeous, sexy, confident girl she had always wanted to be, thanks to Maureen’s Marvellous Tim Noakes ENDORSED Meal Plans.
    Maureen clicked through to Lydia’s messages, curious and slightly nervous; who could possibly be writing to an imaginary human being?

    Wednesday 10:57am
    Benjamin Di Rosi Hi Lydia, you don’t know me from a bar of soap, and I hope you don’t think it’s too forward of me to friend you like this on Facebook and private message you so completely out of the blue? But for the last few weeks I’ve really wanted to write to tell you how much your progress and your posts on the Banting for Life Page have inspired me. I hope you don’t mind me getting in touch? I also couldn’t help noticing that you’ve been using Maureen’s Marvellous Meal Plans. Which are apparently endorsed by Professor Noakes himself (RIP). I wanted to ask how those are working for you, as I’m considering signing up. As a single man, I struggle to come up with ideas of new things to make, and a ready-made meal plan feels like the perfect solution. I hope to hear back from you.
    Lydia Steenberg Hello Benjamin. Thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad you friended me and wrote. Banting has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me, and this group has been such amazing support. So if there’s ever any opportunity to share that support, then that’s my greatest pleasure. I must tell you, I absolutely LOVE Maureen’s ENDORSED by Prof Noakes (RIP, his death is just too sad for words) Marvellous Meal Plans. I find they work really well for me and I can honestly HIGHLY recommend them. You should totally do it. And I know what you mean about being single, and struggling to find menu ideas, I have the exact same problem.
    Benjamin Di Rosi How great of you to write back so quickly. I wasn’t really expecting a response, so you made my day. I find it hard to believe that a woman as beautiful as you could be single. Believe it or not, I coincidentally started Banting at around about the same time as you, so I’ve been really grateful to be able to follow your journey alongside my own. Whenever I feel like I’m struggling or feel tempted to reach for what I like to call ‘contraband’, I think about the incredible success and the immense will to succeed that you and so many other people in the group have shown, and it always keeps me on the straight and narrow. I’m definitely going to look into getting in touch with Maureen about her meal plans, since you speak so highly of them. Perhaps we could share some notes and information about how we are doing?
    Lydia Steenberg Oh how lovely of you to say that thing about being inspired by my journey. It hasn’t been easy, but I’m so glad I’m doing it. Sometimes I think everyone on that group makes it look easier than it really is. I can tell you honestly that I also have my run-ins with contraband. Sometimes I just say what the heck, and treat myself. We’re only human after all. I was just looking at your profile (blush – I wasn’t Facebook stalking you, I promise) and it looks like you’ve done amazingly well. How much have you lost in total so far? And yes, I’d love to swop notes with you.
    Benjamin Di Rosi Ah, now it’s my turn to blush. Yes, I’ve had incredible results.

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