Death and Honor: Book 2 of 2

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Book: Death and Honor: Book 2 of 2 by James Wisher Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Wisher
it?” Morin asked.
    Xander frowned. “You know, the day boss didn’t say. Tell you what, you give me what you think you owe. If I have to walk back here I will be in a bad mood.”
    “No, no, never.” Morin raced into a back room and returned in seconds with a heavy pouch.
    Xander hefted the pouch and nodded. He leaned into Morin so their faces were inches apart. “If I have to come here again it’ll be you lying on the floor.”
    Morin nodded, tears streamed down his face staining his beard. Xander cleaned his sword on the shoulders of the merchant’s fine robe; leaving blood stains behind as a reminder of his visit. He sheathed his sword and joined a wide-eyed Nico by the door. “Let’s go.”
    The boy nodded and led the way back to the guild hall. They walked in silence for five minutes; he wouldn’t have thought the boy capable of not speaking for such a stretch. After another block Nico said, “I’ve never seen anything like that.”
    “Like what?” Xander looked down at his diminutive guide.
    “Like how you handled that guy. I mean he thrashed two guys twice your size and threw them out on their asses before they could get their swords out. You come along and handle him like he was me and not a giant.”
    Xander shrugged. “He had no weapon, no armor. I don’t care how much meat he has, a good sword will cut him up the same as a smaller man.”
    Nico grinned. “I can’t wait to see the look on the day boss’s face when we get back.”
    Xander smiled back. “Neither can I.”

Chapter 4
    T he day boss looked up when Xander and Nico walked into the entry room. “That was fast.”
    “It’s a short walk.” Xander plunked the pouch of coins on the counter. “Here you go.”
    The day boss looked at Xander then the pouch then back at Xander. “You got it?”
    Xander nodded. “No sweat.” He patted his new sword where it hung at his hip. “It’s an excellent sword.”
    “Did you kill the guard?” Kraven had slipped into the room without Xander noticing.
    The day boss finished counting the coins. “There’s more here than he owed.”
    “The thing is I didn’t know how much he owed so I told the merchant if he was short I’d have to come back and I’d be in a bad mood. After he watched me kill his bodyguard he decided to err on the side of caution.”
    Kraven laughed. “You’ll do great at this job.”
    “Indeed.” The day boss counted out five gold coins and slid them over to Xander. “A reward, for a job well done.”
    Xander pocketed the coins. “Thank you, sir. Do you need me for anything else right now? I’ve got a friend waiting I imagine she’s getting worried.”
    The day boss looked at Kraven who shook his head. “Nothing right now. Take an hour and see your friend.”
    “When you get back there’s someone I want you to meet,” Kraven said.
    Xander nodded and left by the front door. He returned to the inn at a jog. Sophia had to be frantic by now. Xander went in and ran up the steps He opened the door to their room and found Sophia pacing. She smiled and ran over, and hugged him.
    After a moment Xander stepped back. “Sorry it took so long. I have good news; we don’t have to leave?”
    “That’s wonderful.”The relief if her voice made him smile. “What happened?”
    “We cleared up the misunderstanding with the guild. Kaylin and I are members now so we shouldn’t have any more problems. We’ll need to go to the guild hall most days and some nights but we won’t have to worry about enforcers chasing us anymore.”
    “You must be relieved.”
    “You said it.”
    “Will it be all right if I continue working in the dining room?”
    “If you enjoy it I can’t see any harm,” Xander said. “Since Kaylin and I will both be gone most days it would probably be good for you to get out. Speaking of the dining room have you eaten yet?”
    She shook her head.
    “Let’s get something. My treat.”
    Sophia took his arm and they went downstairs. They sat

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