Deadly Justice

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Book: Deadly Justice by Kathy Ivan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathy Ivan
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her bosom, and patted her back.  Ms. Willie would be the mother figure she needed, treat her like she was one of her own little chicks. 
    “Hello, Ms. McDaniels.  I'm fine.”  Andrea's voice sounded muffled against Ms. Willie's hug.  He was used to those hugs, but Ms. Willie was the only one who could get away with it.  He'd never been much of a touchy-feely kind of guy, but she was like a second mother to him and he humored her and her public displays of affection. 
    “Well, obviously you're not fine or my boy wouldn't have brought you here.  Now you sit down right there.”  She pointed to one of the bar stools in front of the enormous marble island, “And I'll get you fixed right up.” 
    Andrea sent him a helpless look before allowing Ms. Willie to hustle her onto a seat at the counter.  Within seconds, the tea kettle was on one of the gas burners and Ms. Willie was bustling around the kitchen, gathering cups and the cream and sugar bowl.  He preferred a good solid mug in his big hands, but he was glad she made the extra effort for Andrea.  Not that he was trying to impress her or anything.
    “Now you drink this right down, Ms. Andrea.”  Ms. Willie pressed the teacup into her hand, and Carpenter gave her a smile of thanks.  She winked before getting a plate of cookies and setting it in front of them.  Darn it, she knew he had a sweet tooth, and he narrowed his eyes, trying to give her a glare for tempting him, though it didn't seem to bother her.  She chuckled and placed two of them on Andrea's saucer.  Then she crossed her arms across her massive bosom and waited, giving him the evil eye. 
    With a resigned sigh, he picked one up, stuffed half of it in his mouth in one bite then rolled his eyes heavenward as the taste exploded on his tongue.  Chocolate and coconut mingled within the golden brown cookie, and he was doomed.
    “Evil, evil woman.”  He lifted three more off the plate.  “I'm going to weigh four hundred pounds if you keep this up.”
    “I'm not worried,” Ms. Willie shot back, her soft drawl sounding cheerful.  “I've seen your workout room.  Those calories will be gone before nightfall.”
    “These are amazing.”  Andrea took another sip of her tea and moaned in pleasure.  Carpenter's stomach clenched and his body hardened in response to the sound.  He imagined her making that sound while he was buried deep inside her body, and felt his own tighten.
    “Can you tell me what happened to upset Ms. Andrea, or is it one of those top secret things you're always working on?” 
    There wasn't any reason not to tell her.  It would probably be all over the media within hours anyway.  Something happening to Lawrence Mitchell was big news. 
    “When Andrea got to work this morning, her office was ransacked.  She found blood in the bathroom of her boss's office.  The police are trying to contact him now.”  Carpenter knew his words would be more than enough to get Ms. Willie straight into surrogate mother mode, coddling Andrea all over again.  And they were.
    “Oh sweetie, you must have been terrified.”  Andrea's face was smashed against Ms. Willie's bosom again before she'd had time to catch a breath.  He smiled.  Meeting Ms. Willie was a unique experience under normal circumstances.  If she decided to take you under her wing, there was no stopping her.  She was a bit like a freight train headed downhill with no brakes. 
    “It was a shock,” Andrea murmured.  “Mr. Mitchell's out of town, so I don't have a clue what could have happened.” 
    “Don't you worry, dear.  My boy will fix everything.”  The glare she shot him demanded he do exactly that. 
    “You get those boys of ours working on this, Mr. Samuel.  Those fellas will figure it out in no time flat.” 
    “They're already on it, Ms. Willie.” 
    She nodded and went back to fussing around Andrea, refilling her teacup and putting another cookie on her plate. 
    “You tell them I'll fix a big

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