Deadly Image

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Book: Deadly Image by Tamelia Tumlin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamelia Tumlin
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    “Mrs. Yates, I don’t know what kind of game you are playing, but you’re not fooling anyone.” Sheriff Dawson’s voice was thick with reproach. “Do you really think the entire town of Gator Bayou is suddenly out to get you? Why on earth would these people lie about you? What possible connection could Bill’s Best Burgers have with Lil’ Gators Daycare fifteen miles away? Do you really think the two businesses came up with this elaborate plot to nail you?” He shoved his hand through his graying hair. “Ma’am, it just doesn’t make any sense. If you’re covering up some kind of accident, then you need to stop wasting our time and just tell the truth. Where is Anna?”
    “I don’t know.” Her soft whisper was nearly drowned out by the sound of an engine pulling into the circle drive outside. “I just don’t know.”
    Ace pulled back the drape and frowned.
    A dark green truck with yellow lettering reading Gator Bayou Hardware Store sat parked in the drive. An elderly man wearing overalls reached into the bed of the truck and pulled out a box, then started toward the house.
    Ace shook his head. Now what? He flung open the front door and stepped outside. “Can I help you?”
    The man started at the gruffness in Ace’s voice, then offered a tentative grin. “I have a delivery for Lexi. Is she home?”
    Ace eyed the man suspiciously for a moment. “What kind of delivery?” Sheriff Dawson might have tried and convicted Lexi, but Ace learned a long time ago sometimes things weren’t as they seemed. If Lexi really wasn’t guilty as she claimed, then the real perp was still out there. The lack of a ransom demand left one of two possibilities. Either the kidnapper who took Anna was a pedophile, or else the reason for the kidnapping was personal, which meant Lexi might be the next target. Either way, it didn’t look good.
    A delivered package was always a red flag in any crime situation. Could be a bomb. Anthrax. Or any number of potentially deadly devices. One could never be too careful.
    “Wallpaper border.”
    “Set the package down over there.” Ace pointed to an oak tree a few feet from the house.
    “Over there?” The man puzzled. “But–”
    “Yep. Under the tree.” Ace pulled out his badge and flashed it to the man. “FBI. We're in the middle of an investigation. No packages are to be delivered or opened without proper evaluation first.”
    The man’s eyes widened. “I see. Well, I can open the package for you. I packed it myself so I know it’s safe.”
    Ace hesitated, then shook his head. “No. I have to check it first.” Ace’s loafers tapped down the steps as he made his way to his SUV. He pulled out a handheld explosives detector and walked carefully toward the man holding the box. Chances were it really did contain wallpaper border and if the delivery guy were willing to open it, then it should be safe enough, but he wasn’t about to take any chances.
    Ace turned the device on and scanned the box. No alarming beeps. He heaved a sigh. Thank goodness. But powder residue wouldn’t be detected by the machine.
    “You can open the box now.” Ace took a few steps back and held his breath.
    The man carefully pulled back the packing tape and opened the lid. He reached in and pulled out the sealed package of wall border and held it up for Ace’s inspection. Nothing. No white powder. No other devices. Looked like the box was clear. “Okay. Bring it in.”
    Thank you, Lord . No problems. A simple delivery of wall border. Although he was thankful the package was clear, a part of him had hoped there had been some kind of threat. Anything to indicate someone other than Lexi was involved in Anna’s disappearance. Unfortunately, all the evidence still pointed to the little girl’s mother.
    Lexi managed a small smile when the man stepped inside the foyer with the wall border. “James, I’m so sorry. I completely forgot to come by and pick up my order. There’s been so much

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