sea story,
Human Trafficking,
sex trade,
Russian mob
could see the picture. “A lot of Russian nationals named ‘Sergei’ have entered the UK in the last year, but when we bumped the list against those with long stay or resident visas and with Tanya’s description, the list got a lot shorter. This is our man; Tanya positively IDed him based on the photo.”
“What else do you have on him?” Dugan asked.
Anna shook her head. “Not much. He entered the country with Indefinite Leave to Remain status, arranged very quickly, I might add. It looks like he has competent legal counsel or friends in high places. He listed his occupation as ‘management consultant — self-employed.’ He had to list a UK place of residence as part of the application, but that’s a dead end. It’s his solicitor’s office. However, we’ll find him now; it’s just a matter of time.”
“But time is what we do not have,” Ilya said, rising to pace. “Already we have lost a day, and this Arsov now knows someone looks for Karina, so she is in more danger, I think. We must find this apartment and go there at once to save her.”
“That might make things worse,” Anna said. “The man’s not stupid. I think we can assume he’s already moved her somewhere. We know he’s connected to Club Pyatnitsa , so we’ll stake out the club until he shows up and then keep him under surveillance on the hope he leads us to Karina.”
“I agree with Ilya,” Borgdanov said. “I am not such big supporter of ‘hope,’ and we do not have time for this surveillance. If we catch this bastard, we will question him at once and make him tell us where he is keeping Karina. And HE can ‘hope’ we kill him quickly.”
Anna stiffened. “Gentlemen, I’m prepared to do everything in my power to help you rescue Karina and turn this man over to the proper authorities. I understand and share your rage, and I’ve ignored your previous comments about killing this man, but I can’t be a party to a murder, however justified.”
Borgdanov glared. “And what will your authorities do to this bastard? You have already said that he has very smart lawyers, da ? I think your authorities do nothing, just like in Russia.”
Ilya muttered something in Russian, obviously in support of Borgdanov; then the room grew quiet, the tension palpable. Dugan moved to defuse it.
“Calm down, Andrei. Anna’s sticking her neck way out here, and if this turns into a vigilante action, she could be in serious trouble.”
Borgdanov glanced at Ilya, then turned back to Anna. “We had not thought of that, and we appreciate what you are doing. I promise we will not kill this bastard in the UK; beyond that I promise nothing.”
Anna returned Borgdanov’s gaze for a long moment before speaking. “We’ll discuss that when the time comes. For the moment, let’s concentrate on finding the elusive Mr. Arsov, shall we? Do I at least have your agreement that you won’t rush in and beat him to a bloody pulp the moment we find him?”
Borgdanov looked at Ilya, who nodded.
“ Da ,” Borgdanov said. “To this we will agree.”
“It’s settled then,” Dugan turned to Gillian. “By the way, where is Tanya? I’m surprised she let you out of her sight.”
Gillian smiled. “She’s up in Cassie’s room. Those two bonded immediately, and they’re about the same size. Cassie is finding her something to wear.”
In the chair beside Gillian, Alex stirred. “Do you think that’s wise, my dear?”
“Well, I thought it preferable to having the poor girl run around half naked.”
Alex scowled. “You know that’s not what I meant. I just don’t think Cassie should… should… associate too closely with this girl. One never knows… I mean…”
“Yes, I know exactly what you mean, Alex Kairouz!” Gillian’s eyes flashed. “And you should bloody well be ashamed of yourself! Tanya is a victim, and I’ll not have her treated like a leper because of what she was forced to do to survive and protect her family.”
“I’m not
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