Dead Air (Book One of The Dead Series)

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Book: Dead Air (Book One of The Dead Series) by Jon Schafer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jon Schafer
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was necessary that we spread the disease to other countries that are openly or covertly hostile to the United States. We then ran numerous scenarios through our threat assessment computers and further found that if the virus were to go unchecked, it would weaken America to the point where any country with even a half-assed army could overrun us. Thus, we came to the decision to release the HWNW virus worldwide." The Chairman pressed a button on the counsel in front of him, causing the overhead lights to dim and a map of the world to be projected on a screen behind him.
    "The red lights you see represent the target cities where , by 0600 tomorrow morning our time, the virus will have been injected into thousands of hospital patients and other select individuals. The boys at the NSA put together a computer model on exactly who to infect so that an optimal spread of the disease could be accomplished in the shortest period of time."
    He gave them a moment to study the map , which showed specks of red light at every major and medium sized city in the civilized world. Two members of the Joint Chiefs asked questions about the safety of the men under their command. These inquiries were quickly answered to everyone's satisfaction so the Chairman cleared his throat and continued.
    "We have quite a few items on the agenda today dealing with our armed forces around the world , but first I want to go over a few domestic issues. It seems that we need to clarify the situation in the United States before moving on..."
    Enid, Oklahoma:
    Anton Washburn liked to drink. He liked nothing better than to go to his local tavern and down a few shots while he rolled dice with the bartender to see who would pay for them.
    Although he drank nightly, and to excess, Anton considered himself to be a responsible drinker. He never drove his car, not if he'd had even one beer, and he preferred to frequent a local bar where he could have his shooters and when it was time to go home, walk the three hundred fifty paces to his own front door. Additionally, he never missed a chance to lecture his friends and neighbors on this and the many other civic duties that a man needed to be responsible for. Because of this earnest regard for the wellbeing of the human race, he was looked up to by those in his community, co-workers and drinking buddies alike.
    It was once he passed through the front door of his house that Anton became a different person. Gone was the 'Hail fellow well met' camaraderie that he showed those around him. Gone was the kind , considerate gentleman who would spend hours listening to other’s woes and work with them to solve their problems. Gone was the compassionate persona he displayed at work, the five-time winner of employee of the month. He won these awards because his fellow workers said he was the most amicable man they ever met. This disappeared like a fart in a dust storm.
    He was replaced by Anton Washburn , wife beater and dictator.
    When Anton walked through the door of his house , he became king of his world, but his wife was by no means the queen. Oh no, that would never do for Anton. His wife was simply there to cook, clean and take care of his sexual needs. And God help her if she failed in any of those categories. Anton's word was law, and if his wife broke that law, she was punished.
    End of story, Amen.
    On this particular night , Anton was at his favorite tavern, drinking and telling jokes with his cronies, when the bartender came over to weigh in.
    "What do you tell a woman with two black eyes?" He asked. When no one answered he said, "Nothing, you've already told her twice."
    Everyone within hearing roared with laughter at this except Anton, who just smiled tightly. To his way of thinking, the barman had blown the punch line. The proper response should have been, 'Nothing, then you bruise her ribs and sprain her wrist.'
    While he planned on staying at the bar until later, the joke kept bouncing around in his head, causing

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