Date with a Vampire

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Book: Date with a Vampire by Raine English Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raine English
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terrible. How could Theo enjoy spending centuries in the cold?
    “Where are you?” The sound of Melody’s soft voice roused him and he raised a brow at her question.
    “You looked worlds away. Were you thinking of Moldavia, Count? Are you homesick?”
    Her referring to him by his title sounded odd and much too formal for the casual setting of this tropical island.
    “Homesick? No. But I was thinking back over my life, and I can tell you it was not near as pleasant as this… As being here in paradise with you.”
    The rosy color that flooded her cheeks was endearing. Wasn’t she used to compliments or having a man flirt with her? He moved closer so he stood only inches from her. “How would you like to become a countess?”
    She stepped back. “That’s a little premature, wouldn’t you say?”
    “Perhaps. But I know what I want when I see it, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get it.”
    “Is that what I am? A prize?” She planted her hands on her hips, the corners of her mouth turned down, and stared at him. “I realized coming into this that some of the men might view this as a game, but the producers assured me all the bachelors here are looking to find love and hopefully a wife.”
    Guystof smiled. “Oh, rest assured, my dear. I most definitely am looking to find my bride. And I couldn’t have envisioned a more beautiful one than you, Melody.”
    “You’re too smooth for your own good.” She left him to join the other bachelors who were reclining on lounge chairs at the back of the boat.
    Guystof chuckled to himself as he watched her walk away in a huff. Oh, she liked him all right, even if she didn’t yet know it.
    Melody removed her shorts and tee shirt, revealing her model perfect body in a skimpy silver bikini. The men stared, slack-jawed and a spike of jealousy surged through Guystof, surprising him with its intensity. He was here to win her over, not to develop feelings for her himself.
    She donned her goggles and snorkel and jumped off the little platform at the back of the boat. The professor and two other bachelors joined her in the water. Melody seemed to be enjoying herself, especially when a school of colorful, tropical fish swam by her. She put her face in the water and floated on her stomach, a few feet from where Guystof stood on deck watching. Her silver suit reflected the water like tin foil, and he was tempted to ask if she’d remembered her sunscreen, but thought better of it.
    A fin broke the surface of the water and headed her way.
    Guystof’s heart thundered against his chest and a cold sweat broke out along his forehead. “Shark! Melody, swim.”
    The professor and two other bachelors, farther from the predator and closer to the back of the boat, swam wildly for the stairs. Melody, though, just treaded water and stared, her eyes wide with fear.
    “Quick! Give me your hand.” He hung over the side of the motorboat, stretching out to her as far as he could. Still she didn’t move. And the shark rapidly approached.
    “Look at me,” he yelled. Her eyes shifted from the shark to his face, and his gaze locked with hers. “Listen to me. Reach out and give me your hand. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. But you have to do as I ask. Now!”
    Maybe it was his tone of voice or the way he’d pleaded with her to listen that caused her to break from her shock and reach out to him. Guystof grabbed her wrist, and with every ounce of strength he possessed, hoisted her up. Just as her feet dangled over the side of the boat, the shark swam past and disappeared under the water.
    He pulled her close against him, wrapping his arms around her trembling body. “You’re safe now,” he whispered against her wet hair. Water dripped from everywhere and pooled around his feet.
    She clung to him as if he was still her lifeline. “You saved me. I don’t know how to thank you.”
    He could think of any number of ways, but now was not the time to mention them. He inhaled deeply to

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