Darkened Days

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Book: Darkened Days by C. L. Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. L. Quinn
Tags: Romance, Literature & Fiction, Paranormal, Vampires
    Oh, fuck!   They thought he was responsible for this.  He was the only older vampire on the premises.
    “No.  Just unfortunate. I was there to bring someone home who had been turned against her will.  If you would want to…”
    The smile faded and she cut him off.
    “You’re a pretty one.  No wonder you were able to charm the kids.  Of course, you weren’t smart enough to figure someone would take an interest.   Our own little Fa gin.  You have been around long enough to know the rules.  Probably shocked the fuck out of you when he froze you.  It shocked the fuck out of me the first time he did it to me.  Now, I’ll take over.” 
    She stepped closer to the cell.
    “He doesn’t get his hands dirty with this part of it.  I’m Crystal, and you’re all mine now.  You see, I get to be judge, jury, and executioner.  We don’t change humans against their will.  We don’t build obvious groups of young feeding vampires to make the human community take notice.  We don’t use our “makes” for sex and playthings.  You, sir, have a lot to atone for.  I don’t know yet how this will play out for you.  My investigation and recommendation will determine that.  So, comply and maybe you’ll live to see another summer.  For now, here’s your dinner.  Bon appétit!”
    She threw a clear plastic bag into the cell, then turned away.  Nothing Jacob said brought her back. 
    This was a totally fucked up rescue from day one to now.  Two months of hell to end up here in serious jeopardy of taking the fall for all of this.  Bas and Eillia would look for him, but he didn’t know how soon.  And he didn’t think they would know where to start.  This was something he could never have anticipated.  Being implicated in this was serious unless he could get his friends to clear his name.  Or if the young vampires would clear it.  He turned to sit down on the cold floor again and rolled the blood bag between his hands.  He doubted the arrogant young vamps would be any help.
    “I’m humped,” he said out loud as he tore open the bag, turned it up and squeezed.  God, that was awful!
    Starla woke so abruptly she twisted her neck.  She grabbed it and massaged the strained curve as she stood and looked around.  Okay.  They were in jail?  What the hell?  Well, a jail cell couldn’t hold a vampire.  She started toward the cell door to open it and leave when she saw Marina balled up in the corner.  How did they get here?  The last thing she remembered was Jacob.  With his arms around her.  She felt a flood of warmth between her legs at the memory. 
    No .  Not the last memory .   The warehouse.  They’d gone there so she could say goodbye to Henri.  And found something terrible going on.  She remembered Jacob calling her name before she lost consciousness.  Wait.   There was something else.  Something weird.  Yeah.  She’d been frozen in place.  Couldn’t move a muscle.  So had Henri.  What were they, that they could freeze powerful vampires?
    For a moment she thought about kicking Marina with her foot to wake her.  They weren’t friends.  Marina had treated her worse than anyone these last months.  Repeatedly told her she was puny and ugly when she knew she wasn’t.   But it rocked her confidence, which was never that strong before she was a vampire, and only a little better since.
    The nice girl buried inside the wild vampire still reared her head sometimes.  So she squatted and shook Marina gently.
    The ill-tempered vampire woke up ill-tempered.  Surprise , thought Starla as she stood up and backed away.
    Marina rolled upright and looked around, bounced accusatory eyes back to Starla.
    “ Il n aurait jamais du te transformer!”
    “English, bitch!”  Starla barked.  The nice girl inside approved. “And I wish he hadn’t changed me too.”
    “What have you done?”
    “Well, contrary to popular belief, I do not run the world.  In case

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