Dark Mysteries

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Book: Dark Mysteries by Jessica Gadziala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gadziala
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seen her. Back then. Before she started running. Before she became
he planning on exposing her? Oh, god. Was Gabe in league with... him?
The thought hit her hard, making her feel like she couldn't breathe.
glanced at Xander from beneath her lashes. But Gabe was good friends
with Xander. And, for all his dangerous airs, he was a good man.
Solid. On the right side of the law. Even if he needed to do less
than legal things at times, she was sure he did them for the right
reasons. For the greater good. To help people. And she couldn't
picture someone like Xander getting involved with someone who had...
really awful connections.
Gabe was like Xander, on the good side. But he knew things. He knew
about him. And then, by extension, her.
he was just going to tell Xander about her past. Which, she thought
grimly, could be just as bad.
sat there for hours, Xander clicking away at his camera, getting more
and more frustrated by the minute. He had gotten plenty of shots of
the woman, who had decided to do a striptease and then be on the top.
And at the angle they were working with, there was no way to see who
was on the bed.
him, Ellie flipped through the pages of her book, seeming lost in her
own little world, but getting
antsy in her seat, constantly crossing and uncrossing her legs,
fiddling her fingers against the
door, readjusting her seat.
coming out,” Xander announced, making Ellie jump. They hadn't
said so much as a word since they got in the car. “Damn it,”
he cursed, snapping pictures of them kissing on the street, the man
constantly ducking his head to the other side. “I just need one
picture of his face...”
looked up and around quickly, reached for Xander's cell phone, and
quickly got out of the car.
almost called to her, but was too curious to see what she was going
to do to stop her. She walked around the car and onto the sidewalk,
holding his phone to her ear. “You cheating bastard,” she
yelled, making the man's face snap up and look around, worriedly.
Xander snapped several quick pictures, chuckling to himself,
listening to her as she walked past the guilty-looking couple. “She's
my best friend you piece of shit,” she yelled, moving to open
the door to a coffee shop and disappearing inside.
couple laughed nervously and the man leaned and kissed her on the
forehead before moving off to climb in his car.
put the camera down, getting out of the car and following Ellie into
the coffee shop where he found her salivating over the assortment of
bakery goods. “I guess I forgot to feed you, huh?” he
asked, feeling sheepish. It was well past dinner time and the last
thing she had eaten was breakfast with him, early in the morning.
fine,” Ellie said automatically, though her stomach was
growling pretty insistently. “Did you get what you needed?”she
asked, glancing back at the food.
he said, smiling down at her as he slid into line. “That was
pretty clever,” he told her, thankful that the job was finally
over. While he didn't exactly catch them doing the deed, he had
gotten enough damning proof. The wife would be happy with it and he
would get paid. Then he could focus everything on Ellie.
coffee, large tea,” he said to the expectant barista, “and
two corn muffins, two brownies, and two hot pretzels,” he said,
knowing what she had been looking at.
don't have to...” Ellie started to object, but he ignored her,
pulling money out of his pocket and paying.
the least I can do,” he said, moving down the counter to where
they were supposed to pick their food up, “for someone who
saved my case. Besides, I was hungry too,” he said, reaching
for their drinks and watching as she did some kind of magic stacking
of the six separate plates, balancing them over her hands, wrists,
and forearms, somehow steady enough that they didn't even rock.
“That's impressive,”

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