Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera

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Book: Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera by Tamara H Hartl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara H Hartl
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were fed before the adults and already sent to their quarters. There were, however, several teenage boys who attended evening meals with the other adults. These boys were also in training, and seemed fascinated with the newcomer in their midst, looking often at the stairs for his arrival to dinner.
    Drace joined them shortly, dressed in a royal blue tunic and black breeches. His dark hair, still damp, lay loose, just over his shoulders. He noted with some wonder that Vashti had changed her usual place and the seat next to Ki was open. Ki caught his gaze at the empty chair. She didn’t blush; instead her chin raised a notch.
    Once he was seated, speaking in a quiet tone, she informed him, “We will school for a seven-day more; then we must ride to Ferndale. While we are that close we will visit Morenta, the home of Nimbus. We may go on to the Dwarfs’ mountain-hold, Fortune.”
    In an off-hand manner, she added conversationally, “We trade with both the elves and dwarfs.” She glanced at him quickly then back at her platter as a servant placed a steaming bowl of soup on it.
    Not only had Drace seen her as a desirable woman today, but her responsibility as leader and protector of her people had also occurred to him. Drace now saw her in a new light. What he thought would be his gelding day had turned out pretty well after all.
    After being served roasted chicken and some exotic looking vegetable following the soup, he asked her, “What sort of things do you trade?”
    She paused before a bite. “We have excellent gold and silversmiths who make jewelry, some very fine.”
    For the first time she seemed inclined to engage in a more relaxed conversation with him. “Please, go on,” he offered, in encouragement. “You appear to have a considerable amount of land. Is it as productive as it seems?”
    She nodded. “To the north and east of us there is fertile farmland. To the southeast there is fertile land as well, and some is farmed, but that is where the majority of our cattle and pigs are raised.” She made a directional motion with her fork. “If you continue in that direction, you will come to the seaside city of Trevess. Trevess is not Clan owned. It is an independent city. There are salt beds there, and of course, there is fishing. It is a large port and many other lands trade there as well.”
    “You go there often, I take it,” Drace asked, pleased that she seemed willing to speak of other things besides training and war.
    “I was to go there for Ysgol but was unable to attend. Cearan spent three turnings of spring there, however.”
    Drace noted the odd expression she wore…almost sorrowful. Although he understood her accent, he did not understand the word she had used. “What is Ysgol?”
    “Ysgol is a place of higher learning. We have a basic education available to all children here. Cearan and I had a teacher of other tongues and higher mathematics and so on in our youth. Ysgols are in the cities, and mostly for the upper class and wealthy of all races of people. It is the highest of learning and philosophies.”
    “Why did you not attend the school there?” Drace asked.
    Ki frowned. “I did not have the opportunity as I had responsibilities here that prevented it.” Her expression closed that particular subject.
    “You came in from the east.” She seemed willing to continue talking with him as they ate, but she had changed the subject. “That land we keep for hunting land for ourselves and for Nimbus. That is his right as guardian of all Lion-kin lands.”
    She laid a hand on his, but then pulled back, and gave her plate her attention. “I see a change in you. It pleases me.” She glanced up at him through her lashes.
    He made a questioning gesture with his hand then rubbed his clean-shaven chin. “What I would like to know is how you did the whole lion illusion.”
    She straightened and stared at him. “You did see a lion. I was the lioness.”
    “Duh,” Drace sneered.
    She saw he wanted

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