Dangerous Curves Ahead (BBW Erotic Romance)
to time. Here, he didn't have to worry about people
recognizing him. He could pretend to be just a regular guy, not a
member of the ultra-rich society where your every word and action
was judged by impossibly snooty standards.
    While some of the guys dressed in cowboy
hats and boots looked like posers, at least everybody seemed to be
having a good time. Even the corny line dancing looked fun. Jake
had brought Lacey to this bar one time, hoping he might coax her
into trying the line dancing. She had spent only five minutes,
complaining the entire time, before she demanded to leave. Her
snobbish attitude and lack of adventurous spirit were just a few of
the many signs that he had ignored, telling him that she was not
the right woman for him.
    Well, who needed her? Maybe Jake would have
a few more beers and find a woman more willing to show him a good
time. Maybe he could find a partner willing to teach him a few
dance steps.
    Jake lounged against the
corner of the booth, scoping out the ladies. He was checking out
his prospects when he heard a group of women in the adjacent booth
laughing. He didn't make much of it, until he realized that in this
position against the wall, he could hear their conversation as if
he were sharing a booth with them. And what really caught his
attention was their conversation about orgasms, of all things.
    Jake wished he could see the women, in
particular Krista, but the partition between the adjoining booths
was quite high. Instead, he listened and got quite an earful.
    If a cowboy stud was what the ladies wanted,
then so be it, he would give it to them. He could use a good
mindless fuck. It would clear Lacey out of his system and be a much
more stimulating way to drown his sorrows. And Jake was no slouch
in bed like those guys who Krista had dated; losers who couldn't
even satisfy a woman. He smiled to himself in anticipation. He
would give this chick a wild ride that she would not soon
    All that he needed was a cowboy hat. He was
sure that he could get one of these fake cowboys to trade their hat
for his Rolex. Then the ladies would be putty in his hand.

    I had successfully steered the conversation
back to Sarah's new boyfriend, but I knew I wouldn't get off that
easily. A few more drinks and the girls would be dragging men off
the dance floor to meet me. And they would be too tipsy to notice
the look of disappointment cross over the guys' faces when they
suddenly met the fat friend. No, this was a recipe for disaster. I
needed to think of an excuse to escape before they got started on
their mission.
    Sarah finally paused for a moment after
entertaining us with a long list of reasons why her new boyfriend
was so much better than the last. Glancing at my watch, I feigned
tiredness. "Oh, wow. It's already ten o'clock. I really should get
going - I need to get up early tomorrow. I've got … lots of errands
to run."
    "Hold on a minute!" Jenna grabbed onto my
arm, not letting me go. "You're not going anywhere. You're just
scared we're going to make you talk to a good-looking man. Krista,
you sell yourself too short!"
    Sarah nodded her head in agreement. "Plus,
you're never going to get laid if you spend all your time hiding in
your apartment. C'mon Krista, stay out with us. I promise we won't
be too obvious."
    I rolled my eyes at them. 'Obvious' was an
understatement. "I'll stay out longer if you promise you won't push
any men on me. I'm just not in the mood tonight."
    They both agreed, but I could tell they were
disappointed to be losing their fun night's project. I really
didn't want to go home so early and spend the night sitting alone
inside my apartment. I was enjoying my night out with my two best
friends, but I didn't want to be put in a position where I could be
hurt or humiliated by their well-meaning antics.
    A hush fell over our normally animated group
as we all fiddled with our drinks, mine empty again. I looked
around the bar hoping to catch a passing waiter. Instead, I

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