Danger Zone

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Book: Danger Zone by Doreen Owens Malek Read Free Book Online
Authors: Doreen Owens Malek
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several seconds before she noticed that the red call light on her phone was blinking. She picked up the receiver and asked for the message.
    Her plane ticket and traveling papers were being held for her at the desk. She asked for them to be sent up to her room and had just hung up the phone when someone tapped at her door.
    “Darling, it’s me,” Linda’s voice said. “May I come in?”
    Karen got up and opened the door. Linda breezed past her in an elaborate lace peignoir set and high heeled lounge slippers. She was carrying a tray holding a teapot and a plate covered by a cloth napkin.
    “So how was the big date?” she asked, setting down her burden on the end table. “Tell Mother all about it.”
    Karen faced her.
    “Oh dear,” Linda said, observing her friend’s expression. “He really got to you, didn’t he?”
    “I guess so.”
    “What happened?”
    “We ate dinner, and he ordered me some fish dish with clay in it, and then we had a fight, and he kissed me on the beach, and then he wanted to sleep with me but I said no.”
    Linda nodded with relish. “Well,” she said briskly. “I knew he wouldn’t be dull. Was that ‘clay,’ darling, or is my hearing failing?”
    “Yeah, but it’s not worth going into,” Karen replied wearily.
    Linda poured herself a cup of tea and settled comfortably on the bed. “Why did you say no? To sleeping with him, I mean. Just as a matter of academic interest, you understand.”
    “He’s so alone. It seemed like it would add to that loneliness if I became another sexual statistic in his life. Does that make sense?”
    “Don’t ask me,” Linda said dismissively. “You don’t make sense half the time but I love you anyway. What was the fight about?”
    “I asked why he was a mercenary when there were so many other things he could do.”
    “My, that was impertinent. What did he say?”
    “He told me to mind my own business.”
    “Quite right, too. Advice I never take, by the way, but well worth repeating.” She removed the cloth from the plate of biscuits and held one out to Karen. “These are very good. They’re something called dulcettas , which as near as I can make out means ‘sweeties.’ I’ve been eating them all evening while watching a Brazilian soap opera on television. I didn’t even know they had soap operas in Brazil—did you? How about some tea? ”
    “Okay, thanks.”
    A bellboy knocked and delivered Karen’s envelope as Linda was pouring her drink. She was booked on the noon plane back to Newark, nonstop, the next day.
    “British efficiency,” Linda said when she saw what Karen had received. “I got mine this evening. They’re certainly giving us the boot in short order, aren’t they?”
    “I guess they figure that the sooner we’re home, the sooner all of this will be forgotten.” 
    “I picked up a little tidbit about your friend Colter after you left tonight,” Linda said mysteriously as she handed Karen her cup. 
    Karen stared at her. 
    Linda batted her eyelashes.
    “Linda, tell me.”
    “Well, you know that man from the embassy, the friend of my father’s?”
    “Yes?” Karen said impatiently.
    “He told me that Colter is a specialist in the type of rescue work he did for us, going into siege situations and breaking hostages out. Apparently he’s called in on that sort of thing constantly and it’s about all he does. As you can imagine with the state of the world these days, he’s in great demand.”
    “He never told me that,” Karen said, almost to herself. “Even when I questioned his ethics, he didn’t say a word about it. He led me to believe he was just a soldier of fortune—you know, a guy who would do anything if the price were right.”
    “Well, darling, I’m sure he’s well paid. I doubt if he’s running a charity bazaar for the anti-terrorist set.”
    “Still, it’s not the same. He’s really an expert at getting people out of trouble, isn’t he?”
    Linda studied her closely

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