Daisy McDare And The Deadly Secret Affair (Daisy McDare Cozy Creek Mystery Book 7)

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Book: Daisy McDare And The Deadly Secret Affair (Daisy McDare Cozy Creek Mystery Book 7) by K.M. Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.M. Morgan
there all the time.”
    “Isn’t that what social media is for?” Chloe joked. 
    Daisy laughed.  “It sure seems like it.  Let’s hope one of the suspects was dumb enough to post something incriminating.”
    “And if they didn’t?”
    “At this point, I’ll take any lead I can get.  Now, time to get to work.”
    Chloe stopped her.  “Just one thing first.”
    “What’s that?” Daisy asked. 
    “Thanks for doing this.”
    “Of course.  This is what friends are for.”
    Chloe smiled.  “Good luck.”

    Chapter Twenty-Two
    Daisy knew exactly which suspect she wanted to confront first.  Hank’s widow, Amelia Hammond, was at the top of Daisy’s list.  Daisy hated interrogating people at their houses.  Usually it ended up with a door slammed in her face.  After a while, she figured she’d get used to that.  It did come with the territory, but it never got easier. 
    Door slammings aside, the bigger problem was that Daisy couldn’t use her usual battering ram approach.  It was too easy for the suspect to retreat into their house and shut Daisy out.  That meant she had to approach things with kid gloves, at least at first. 
    That’s what Daisy did when Amelia Hammond opened her front door that afternoon. 
    Amelia looked at Daisy, then furrowed her brow, having no clue who Daisy was. 
    “Can I help you?” Amelia asked. 
    “I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for your loss,” Daisy said. 
    Daisy expected Amelia to respond with remorse, like a normal human being would.  Instead, she got a much different response.  Amelia started the conversation looking as cold and emotionally hollow as could be.  She went from that to scorn.
    Amelia narrowed her eyes.  “How did you know my husband?”
    It then occurred to Daisy what must be running through Amelia’s head.  She was worried Daisy was another one of Hank’s mistresses.  Daisy wanted to douse that fire before it got out of hand. 
    “Your husband was publishing my friend’s book.  It was actually at her launch party last night that all the trouble went down,” Daisy explained.   
    Amelia remained short with Daisy.  “Right.  Thanks for your condolences.  I have things I need to get back to now though, so goodbye.”
    Daisy wasn’t about to let her get out of the conversation that easily.  “I realize you have a lot going on.  I mean, you do have your own publishing company now.”
    Amelia was confused.  “Why would you bring that up?”
    “The company just published a murder mystery only to have the owner be killed the night of the launch party.  Something like that is sure to garner plenty of publicity.”
    Amelia looked uncomfortable in her own skin all of a sudden.  “Really?”
    Daisy nodded.  “Mrs. Hammond, this is like a plot out of one of those novels your husband published.  Of course people are going to be interested.”
    “People should learn to mind their own business, you included.”
    “With all due respect, if I were you, I’d get out there and try to clear your name.  People are talking.”
    Amelia stared Daisy down.  “I don’t believe you.  People know better than to try and drag my name through the mud.”
    “Or what, you’ll retaliate?” Daisy asked. 
    Daisy set a nice little trap, hoping Amelia would fall into it. 
    Amelia didn’t bite.  “I know what you’re trying to do.”
    Daisy countered.  “I know what you already did.  I was there when you stormed into the launch party last night and nearly bit your husband’s head off.  I wasn’t the only one there either.  We all saw that look on your face, of a woman out for revenge.”
    “That doesn’t mean I did it.”
    “No, but it hardly makes you look innocent either.  You had the most to gain from Hank being out of the picture.”
    “I don’t have to answer your questions,” Amelia insisted. 
    “True.  Although you should answer them.”
    Amelia folded her arms. 

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