Curves For The Lone Alpha (A Big Girl Meets Bad Wolf Romance)

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Book: Curves For The Lone Alpha (A Big Girl Meets Bad Wolf Romance) by Molly Prince Read Free Book Online
Authors: Molly Prince
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completely, so deep inside me it was like nothing I had experienced before. And
then the animal in him stirred once more.
    It was like nothing I had… no, that doesn’t even come close.
It’s redundant. Of course it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I
didn’t even have a frame of reference.
    He was relentless. He was like a machine. He just didn’t
    Each thrust drove me hard against the bed and as he picked
up speed I found my focus narrowing as everything else became a distraction.
All that mattered was the heat that filled me and the growing knot of pleasure
deep inside my body. With each thrust that knot grew until it overwhelmed me,
spiralling outwards from my core, the pleasure washing over every nerve. My
mouth went wide in a silent scream of ecstasy as I experienced a deep, powerful
orgasm that shook my entire body.
    I don’t even know if he noticed my climax. He didn’t pause.
He didn’t give me a chance to catch my breath. He didn’t stop.
    Part of me wanted to cry out and beg him to stop, but that
was a part I had no interest in listening to right now. Instead I willed him
onwards, hungry for more.
    I have no idea how many times I came. Somewhere between one
and a hell of a lot. Pick a number. By the end I really had no idea what was
going on, which way was up, and everything blurred into one. My body felt, for
a while, as if I had entered another state entirely. That he had broken me and
every part of me had been stripped away to leave only the raw sexual animal
that perhaps lies at the heart of us all.
    At some point I found myself drifting in and out of the wolf
dream. The scent of us rutting like animals adding another dimension to
everything I experienced.
    At some point I felt claws on my back. Stinging, scratching,
it felt as if they were drawing blood.
    At some point he threw back his head and howled, a sound I
echoed, as I felt his swollen member lock inside me and the molten heat of his
seed filled me completely.
    And ultimately, at some point we collapsed in an exhausted,
sweaty heap.
    - X -

Chapter 10: Carrie
    Once again James wasn’t beside me when I woke. Naturally
part of me was already thinking it was all a dream. But the ache in my thighs
(and elsewhere) and a painful tightness in my back told me otherwise. I stood
and twisted my head trying to get a look at it. Ragged scratch marks ran from
my shoulder blades to the small of my back. They looked nasty and they stung
like hell, but I still couldn’t help smiling at them.
    I turned back to look at myself straight on. For the first
time in as long as I could remember I didn’t hate what I saw. Yeah, I could
probably do with joining a gym, although I’d take the previous night's
exertions over a step class in ill-fitting lycra any time. But other than that
I was a woman, with a woman’s body. Full, soft, ripe and desired by a man, who
was something more than a man.
    I didn’t need crazy heightened dream senses to smell bacon
sizzling in the kitchen. Yeah, that was my kind of man. I found his shirt and
pulled it on because that’s the fantasy isn’t it? To walk out of the bedroom
the morning after the night before, clad only in the t-shirt of the man who
rocked your world.
    No... the fantasy was more than that. I looked at the mirror
again. The round globes of my breasts pressed heavily against the fabric,
shaping it to my ample body. I turned a little to see the cheeks of my ass
peeking out from beneath the hem. The fantasy, the real fantasy, was to walk
out of the bedroom the morning after the night before wearing nothing but his
t-shirt and then see the look on his face and know for certain that you rock his world. I deserved that. Every woman deserves that.
    “I know right?”
    “That shirt is really ... filthy. Seriously there’s
blood and God know’s what all over it. It’s really gross.”
    I poked my tongue out at him even as he stalked around the
counter to embrace me.

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