Cursed (The Order of the Wolf)

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Book: Cursed (The Order of the Wolf) by Angela Addams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Addams
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saw this through.
    The next half an hour was a haze of showering, putting on a T-shirt to sleep in and curling up under the stiff, bleachy smelling sheets. Her last thought came as the sun poked a tiny ray through the crack in her drapes and she heard a muffled growl through the wall. I hope they allow dogs in here. She snickered quietly, then gave in to blissful sleep.
    What felt like minutes later, she jolted awake. She was not alone. She bolted upright. The weight of something huge on her mattress made her tumble forward until she smacked her face against something hard and coarse hair abraded her cheek. She pulled back to see two bright golden eyes glaring at her in the semi-darkness. Her fuzzy brain misfired as she pushed herself back. The golden eyes narrowed and two white fangs gleamed as a low growl rumbled, vibrating the bed. She raised a hand to her mouth and screamed.

Chapter Thirteen
    His wolf was in control, after hour upon hour of her scent drifting under the door into his room, rational thought finally slipped away. He’d forced the door open and leapt to her bed as the last ounce of restraint left him.
    She’d muffled her scream, clamping her hand to her mouth, eyes wide, body shaking. He breathed her in. Fear…arousal… mine .
    When she scrambled from the bed, he followed her, jumping down gracefully and stalking slowly. She pressed herself against the wall as she inched toward the bathroom.
    He liked to chase, wanted her to run, so he bared his fangs and gave a low, guttural growl. She froze, hands pressed flat against the wall, eyes darting from one door to the next. Three possible exits. He growled again and made as if he was going to lunge. That got her moving.
    She darted right, then quickly doubled back, over the bed and headed for the door. He bolted after her, over the bed in one leap and beat her there, blocking that exit and baring his fangs. With a squeal, she skidded to a stop, spun and ran the other way, and headed for the adjoining door. He caught up quickly, nipped her ankle so she stumbled. She came to a stop against the wall once again, her body half turned.
    Overcome with excitement, he sucked in deep breaths, her scent filling his muzzle so richly he could almost taste her. He remembered that smell. He ran his nose along the contour of her leg, barely touching. He liked the goose bumps that rose and the hitch in her breathing as he nudged under the shirt that fell to her upper thigh. Her scent was intoxicating. He darted out his tongue, and her taste was exactly as he remembered. His wolf was not mistaken. This was his woman.
    He shifted away, licked his snout then pulled back and up, standing on his hind legs, landing his upper body with both front paws caging her in. She turned, her back pressed fully to the wall and his wolf growled with approval. She looked into his eyes with defiance and his wolf was proud.
    Mark her. Mate her .
    Primal urges gripped him. Her throat like a beacon to his fangs. He licked his snout again then bared his teeth.
    Instead of quivering with fear, she stared at him with awe, her eyes wide, lips curled into a small smile. She raised her hands and smoothed them along his neck. If he were a cat, he would have purred. Her eyes held no reservation, no terror at being held in place by a giant wolf. Instead, she looked curious, open. She raised her hands again, this time running two fingers across his snout—which tickled—down to his fangs, which she touched tentatively. His mouth watered as he watched her take those same fingers and press them to her own throat. An invitation. The reaction was instantaneous.
    The magic that forced his change at daybreak and sunset could only be provoked by extreme emotion in between. He was too young a werewolf for it to be otherwise. Her offer ignited that magic, pushing his wolf back, and he claimed his body and transformed from beast to man.
    She gasped. He didn’t let her get another breath. Crushing his lips to hers, he

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