hard and it paid off and the rewards came later.
Ethan walked around his mother’s florist shop. It was situated on a slight hill. Perfect slope Ethan used to say, in that it gave the shop a lift but not too extreme. He always liked plodding around there helping out his mom. Today was Wednesday and the shop built itself towards the weekend when it was usually at its busiest.
The shop had beautiful wooden features with a large front bay window and down the slope you could see the sea. Inside the store Elisabeth had kept it charming in disposition, with a perfect arrangement of flowers to go with the temperature of the whole place. She changed the format to her store every season to contour with the changing climate and it seemed right to always evolve and never be dormant. This gave her an edge in decoration, because when it was perfectly right with all the season’s colors, it would still flow on again with more variety in a different theme, so no matter what it would always evolve and her customers loved it. Elisabeth wanted the accurate details in everything when it came to her flowers and the shop decor. She always wanted to sense what was coming next in trends and to be ahead or have her own essence to apply with what was coming in. Like touching a flower as it blossomed and enhancing its path or decorating its own path.
It gave Elisabeth j oy to have her own shop and to make it exquisite and beautiful. Having Ethan around doing odd jobs made her feel so at home and the sweetness of that joy and the love she felt made her highly content. She needed nothing more. Elisabeth was one of a few in this world who was truly content. The fact that she was single made it even more profound. She knew most people were never content, it was rare. She saw a card reader once. A medium that she knew was highly gifted, wise and talented. She had heard a lot about this woman and one day decided to go and see her. The psychic had a wonderful energy about her, a calming presence. She worked from a cozy little room above a cafe that was always humming below. When she met her, the encounter felt good but there was an unknown element that just seemed to add up, like a wall between them was building, at the same time there was sweetness in the feel with how they were interacting with each other. Elisabeth didn’t know what to do.
The medium pulled out her cards but was vague with her descriptions. Elisabeth just sat there unsure how to respond, she didn’t really know what was happening. Then the medium had a slight teary eye, the water ever so slight came to her eyes, then it seemed to disappear, a quick breath and she looked suddenly alert again. It was all quite rapid and gave Elisabeth a moment of wondering was she okay. Then she broke the ice.
“I get it now ,” she said. “I couldn’t read you in the way I usually can. You are sweet, beautiful and open and I felt comfortable in your presence but there was a block, and then it just came to me.”
She looked at Elisabeth with he r beautiful, blue eyes and said, “You are content. You don’t want for anything and that is so rare. My guides just went quiet on me, but they are talking now.” She laughed. “They wanted me to see this and show me something different and new. I can’t really read for you as you are already fulfilled and achieving all you desire. You are content.”
It was true Elisabeth was content. Most humans would say t hey were, but they were not really being true to themselves, most longed for something different. Even with being single Elisabeth was content as she loved herself deeply and that took away any longing or need for another. She knew she would find a loving man, though the only desire she had was for it to be her soul mate.
Elisabeth moved some flowers and a Parisian looking table to a different part of
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