“Oh, Sunshine, I’ll feed you breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next few days. In fact, get used to having me around. I intend on being your shadow for as long as you’re in town.”
“Great.” She shook her head. “Just what I always wanted—my very own stalker .”
His sexy chuckle filled the cab of the truck and stirred arousal deep inside her. She was half certain Sean Hunter was a married man, and she certainly didn’t trust him, but by some cruel twist of fate, he still affected her. Sitting beside him now, she was conscious that the mere male scent of him had her senses tingling. If he pushed enough buttons, the awkward, intimidated young girl she had once been could very well resurface and make a complete fool of her.
Just when she thought she’d had things under control.
Andrea sighed.
Either she’d been a bad, bad girl in a previous life, or someone up there just plain didn’t like her.
Chapter Five
Sean tried to keep his eyes on the road and off the enticing woman seated next to him, but it was no use. He turned his head and watched her reach into her bag. There was so little resemblance between this beautiful creature and the fragile young woman he had once known. He couldn’t fault himself for not recognizing her at first. Physically, she looked completely different.
Dragging his eyes back to the road, he wondered if she’d had a little nip/tuck done here and there. He’d never taken her for the type to care all that much about appearances, but people change.
He came to a red light and used the opportunity to do more inventory. Andrea’s hair had once been short, boyishly so, but now its length fought to escape the clip she’d used to pull it away from her face. One long brown tendril succeeded and now hung free just beside her eye, teasing the edge of her eyelashes and making her seem less perfect. She used one hand to push it behind her ear and then flipped through the pages of the notebook she’d retrieved. As if sensing his gaze on her, she glanced up, caught him looking and then arched one perfectly shaped eyebrow as if to say Got a problem, pal?
No, this Andrea Lockhart was not the same coed he had known. This Andrea Lockhart was all woman, in body and attitude. But no matter what else had changed, those expressive eyes looking right into his were exactly the same.
“Just waiting on you to tell me—where to first, Andi?” He shifted his focus back to the empty stretch of highway before him.
“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me Andi?” He heard her scribble something in her notebook, hard. “My name is Andrea, or just Lockhart if you prefer to keep this professional.”
“You mean I have a choice?” He grinned. It bothered him that she was trying to put such distance between them. He wanted her to smile back, just like she used to, and teasing a woman was usually the easiest way of making that happen.
She ignored the comment. “I have a meeting with Kristy Winslow at eleven. I suppose you know where she lives?”
“I suppose I do, since I just interviewed her husband at home last month because he’s running for county council.”
“Yeah. I heard about that.” She flipped her notebook shut and put it back in her bag, then focused on the line of trees surrounding them. She glanced at her watch. “I’d like to see the areas where this thing has been spotted most frequently. Think we can manage it before we get to the Winslow place?”
He glanced at the time on the dashboard—half past ten already. “Maybe if you want to do a quick drive-by. If you want to get out and wander around, we should save it until after lunch.”
“After lunch it is.”
He nodded. “That’ll give us time to stop by and let you change into something more comfortable.”
“What exactly do you mean by that ?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Lockhart. I just meant you can change into jeans or something. That’s all.”
“Why? I still have to
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