Critical Incidents: The ROK - Land of HAN (A Jack Gunn Mystery Thriller Book 1)

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Book: Critical Incidents: The ROK - Land of HAN (A Jack Gunn Mystery Thriller Book 1) by Thomas H. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: Thomas H. Ward
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    “So, what are you thinking, Jack?” Lee asked.
    “Oh … I don’t understand why President Roh permitted the NIS to do what they did. They report to him.”
    “Yes, that is true. Roh is either a weak man or a clever one. Maybe he listens to the wrong people and doesn’t exert his power. He leaves it to others, who have his ear.”
    “Or, is he really behind all of this?” I asked.
    “No, I think Roh is a good man trying to do what is right. But he is easily influenced by others whom he trusts. Maybe Kwon and Suk are up to no good. We just have to find out what they are up to and who’s involved in deceiving the President.”
    “How are you gonna do that?”
    “I do know President Roh fairly well, after being his bodyguard for four years. Maybe, I should just call him.”
    “No. Don’t do that because his phone is tapped. Besides, what would you tell him? You have to meet him face to face in private.” I said.
    The two women sitting with us were bored, so they poured us another drink and lit me up a smoke. They didn’t understand English very well, and since we were talking fast I am sure our conversation meant nothing to them.
    We sat there thinking about the situation. How could we approach the President in private? It was weird that all his personal bodyguards had been removed, along with the Director of the NIS. These actions made me wonder what was going on.
    I asked, “KY, what do you think is going on? What does your gut tell you? You’re Korean and know how these guys think, better than I do.”
    “There could be a number of things going on,” Lee replied.
    “Like what? Let’s make a list and discuss it.”
    Mi-young walked into the room. I glanced at my watch and it was 1 am. I poured her a drink and everyone made a toast to friendship.
    Lee said, “I’ll think about the list overnight and we can discuss it tomorrow.” I nodded ok.
    Mi-young asked, “What list?”
    “We were just discussing government business,” I said. Mi-young never said another word about it, because she understood what I meant.
    As the girls poured us one more drink, I looked out at the dance floor and tables. There were all kinds of people here. A lot of men come here without a date because this is a hot spot to pick up women. Then I wondered if Stan Wright, or his look-alike, Robert Ellington, had ever been here.
    It occurred to me to show the picture I took of Ellington and the Korean man in the hotel lobby to everyone. I pulled it up on the phone, passed it around, and asked, “Has anyone ever seen these men?”
    Lee wanted to know who they were, so I told everyone the story about Wright and Ellington.     
    Lee said, “Email me a copy of that picture and I’ll see what I can find out.”
    After the ladies had seen the picture, Mi-young said, “I saw both men here.” One of the other women sitting with us, agreed with her.
    “When did you see them?” I asked.
    “Earlier tonight, before you came,” Mi-young advised. “They come here eight o’clock, have drinks, and leave ten.”
    “Mi-young, anytime they come here, call me right away.” Then I had another idea. “KY, show them a picture of Kwon.”
    He passed around his phone with the picture of Kwon. Again I asked, “Have you ladies seen this man here?”
    They carefully studied the picture. Looking at it twice, Mi-young said, “Yes, maybe, not sure.”
    “Alright, just remember what he looks like. He is a short little man.”
    “Ok, me look for him.”
    Lee and I glanced at each other. “Do you think Kwon knows Ellington?” Lee asked me.
    “I don’t know. But we can use our spies here to help us find out.”
    Lee nodded and asked, “If they come back here, what are you going to do?”
    “I don’t know yet.”
    Mi-young said, “We go now, Kapshida (Let’s go).”
    It seemed Mi-young was in a hurry to leave. “Yes, let’s go,” I said. “KY, I’ll call you in the morning.”
    “OK. I’ll pay the bill,” Lee

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