Criminal Enterprise

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Book: Criminal Enterprise by Owen Laukkanen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Owen Laukkanen
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Mystery
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stuck in traffic,” she said. “I’ll be there when I can.”

    T RICIA SAID SHE had a friend, Javier, who could move the cocaine. “Good money,” she said. “No risk. He’s cool.”
    Tomlin stalled her as long as he could. “He’s cool?” he said. “He’s a goddamn drug dealer. That’s cool to you?”
    Tricia shrugged. “Why not?”
    “How do you know this guy, anyway? I thought you were a student or something.”
    “I’m a lot of things,” Tricia said. “What do you care? This guy, Javier, he’s my ex-boyfriend’s hookup. I used to see him three or four times a month, okay? We’re cool.” She cocked her head and smiled at him, confident. As though she brokered drug deals every other day.
Maybe she does,
Tomlin thought.
She could be the pink-haired Pablo Escobar, for all I know.
    “We doing this or what, boss?” she said. “Come on. Let’s turn that brick into cash.”
    Finally, he gave in.
Pull the trigger,
he thought.
Someone else finds those drugs and you’re looking at prison. Sell them to this guy Javier, and you’re paying your bills.
    “Fine,” he told her. “Set it up.”
    She smiled at him. “Great. Now, let’s discuss my fee.”
    J AVIER LIVED IN an apartment by the university. He answered the door and smiled wide when he saw Tricia, kissed her on the cheek and ushered her inside. Then he looked at Tomlin.
    Tomlin studied Javier as Javier studied him. The drug dealer was skinny, with a pockmarked face, probably in his mid-twenties. He had a scar above his upper lip, and though he smiled at Tomlin, his eyes were suspicious. “You’re Tricia’s friend.”
    “Yeah.” Tomlin could feel the weight of the pistol in his coat, and he wondered how fast he could draw if he needed.
    Javier squinted at him. “You a cop?”
    “No. Hell, no.”
    “Not that you’d tell me if you were.”
    “He’s okay, Javier,” Tricia called from inside. “He’s my boss. The accountant?”
    Javier looked at Tomlin again. “The accountant.” He laughed. “Fine. Come in.”
    The apartment was empty except for a beat-up couch and a huge flat-screen TV. There were two men on the couch, watching a talk show. Neither looked up when Tomlin walked in.
    Javier led them into the kitchen and leaned against the counter. “Okay,” he said, watching them. “Let’s see what you got.”
    Tricia opened her purse and handed him the brick. Javier looked at Tomlin. “Where did you get this?”
    Tomlin shrugged. “Found it in a dumpster.”
    “Whose dumpster?”
    Javier shook his head. “Save it. Just don’t tell them you sold it to me, got it?”
    “Fine, Javier,” said Tricia. “Of course.”
    One of the men from the living room walked into the kitchen holding a scale. Javier set the brick on the scale and waited a beat. Then he nodded. “One key,” he said. “As advertised.”
    The other man produced a knife, and Javier split the package open. He dabbed a finger inside and tasted the powder. Then he looked at Tricia. “Ten thousand.”
    Tomlin blinked. “Ten thousand dollars? It’s gotta be worth close to thirty.”
    Javier turned and stared at him with his hard little eyes. “You can get thirty for it, go ahead. I’m paying ten.”
    “Fifteen.” Tricia put on her ingénue smile. “Then we all go home happy.”
    Javier studied her. Then he nodded. “For you only,” he said. “Fifteen thousand.”
    His partner went back into the living room and returned with a bundle of money. Handed a thick stack to Tomlin. Tomlin flipped through it. “It’s all here.”
    “Fifteen thousand dollars, my friend.” Javier looked at Tomlin and laughed. “Don’t forget to declare it on your taxes.”

    T OMLIN DROVE T RICIA to her apartment and parked at the curb. He shut off the engine and took out the thick stack of hundred-dollar bills. Then he sat back in his seat. “Jesus Christ. That just happened.”
    Tricia cocked her head. “It happened. You cool?”
    “Cool?” He

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