Crashed: The Death Of The Dollar

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Book: Crashed: The Death Of The Dollar by William Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Cooper
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added. "You're going to be the best big brother in history!"
    "Hey, you two," Mike cut in. "Don't you have stuff to do?" letting them know to go away for a few minutes.
    Taylor turned back as she was walking in the door, "Oh, hey, I think you're going to need a bigger house."
    Mike, Jessica and Brad sat down together. Mike put his arm around her and squeezed her into him, kissing her forehead to reassure her that they were in this together. He looked over at Brad. "What do you think little man. Are you ready to have a little brother or sister?"
    He smiled real big as he nodded his head up and down. Mike just rubbed his head. "Go on back inside so we can talk."
    "Okay," Mike sighed. "Before we go getting so happy about this, um, how do we make sure you really are?"
    Jessica just rolled her eyes at him. "I am pregnant. I've missed two periods, and there's nothing else going on that would explain that. Besides that, most women just tend to know what's happening inside our bodies. It's just like with Brad. I just knew then too. Except this time, at least I know who the father is." She still felt ashamed about not knowing who Brad's father was. It was the one and only thing from her prostitution days that she felt embarrassed about.
    "Look,” Jessica continued, speaking more softly and glancing towards the house. “Stacy's all excited for us right now, but by tonight I'm betting she's going to be pretty upset."
    "Why is that?" he asked.
    "She can't have kids, Mike. She's infertile. Most of the time it doesn't bother her, but I'm sure it will some now."
    "Oh, damn," Mike said. "I had no idea."
    "Really, Mike? Don't you think that if she could have kids, she'd probably be out here with the same news?"
    "Okay, okay. Give me a break. My whole few months of experience with women leaves me a bit naive sometimes still. Let's go get a move on and get things - Wait, are you going to be alright to do this? I can move your stuff for you. You just sit tight."
    "Oh no. Don't you start pampering me. When I need help, I'll let you know. But I'm going to keep doing my part around here."
    "Well, then get off your ass and get it in gear," he told her with a smirk. She got up, smacked him playfully on the arm, and got busy getting her things together.
    Brad's stuff was the hardest to move, since they brought his bed and dresser, and had to get them into the loft. After lunch, Mike reminded them that they had to get food together for a drop off the next day. They got the animals they were taking into a pen, then loaded up twenty crates of produce and stacked them in the root cellar.
    They met up with Bishop Christensen and his crew as normal the next day, except for Taylor staying behind at the ranch. The crew from Saint George had made a habit of loading the livestock and produce into ten to twelve trucks and trailers and taking different routes to their separate areas. The Bishop was eager to talk to Mike.
    "Hey, Thomas. How's life in the shadows treating you?" he said in his normally jolly tone of voice.
    "Well, we've had a lot going on. I think I'm going to need your help for a change," Mike told him.
    "Oh, you name it and I'll find a way to make it happen."
    "Well, we're pretty certain Jessica is pregnant."
    "Congratulations man!" the Bishop grabbed his hand to shake it and laughed. "That's awfully neighborly of you!"
    Mike had to make himself resist the urge to punch him. He'd thought about hitting him a few times in the past too, but just too see if he could not be so obnoxiously happy all the time. 
    "Well, Bishop, obviously we're going to end up with a need for a lot of baby stuff. And for us, making quick runs to the corner Walgreen's isn't exactly an option. So I'd like to start stocking up whatever we need soon."
    "I'll have a truck load of boxes ready for you next time we meet. The government gives diapers away without question or taking off anyone's value. I'm sure we can come up with some other things

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