Cowboy's Bride

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Book: Cowboy's Bride by Barbara McMahon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara McMahon
Tags: sexy contemporary romance, Cowboys, ranch, rancher, country western, wyoming ranch
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her mouth, he tightened his grip even more, moving his arms around
her, one hand cupping the firm globe of her bottom and hauling her
even closer. The other trailed up until it captured the back of her
head. Longing to delve his fingers into that dark glossy mane, he
began to impatiently undo the elaborate braid that held it.
    Warning bells clamored in her mind, but Kalli
ignored them. Trace's taste beguiled, lured. Her tongue mated with
his, danced with it in enchanting fascination. Every nerve aiding
clamored for more. Pressing herself into his long body, honed hard
as the granite of the distant mountains, stronger than the men she
was used to and far more dangerous, she reveled in the sensations
flooding her, sweeping through her like the hot prairie wind.
    Danger. That was the allure. And the
    Trace wanted her. He wanted her ranch. When
he got both, he'd move on. She'd be out on her ear, tossed aside,
discarded. Danger. But it was the danger that bewitched, like a
flame for a moth.
    Blinking, she pulled away a little. Knowing
in her mind she needed to stop, to put some distance between
herself and this dangerous cowboy, her body was still reluctant to
end the embrace. Even though she wrenched her mouth free, her
fingers refused to relinquish their tantalizing foray into the
thickness of his hair.
    "Trace, stop, please," she whispered,
breathing hard. Her breasts ached with desire for more of his
touch. The liquid heat within her clamored for the quenching plunge
that would first consume her, then release her. Her body wanted his
as much as his desired hers. But it was a foolhardy, greedy craving
that would only lead to desolation. She had to have more than mere
    "You want me, Kalli. I can feel it," he said
against her mouth, moving to brush sweet kisses across her cheek,
trail down her throat and lick the rapid pulse.
    "Sex is not enough," she said regretfully,
her fingers still entangled in his hair, her legs loosely looped
around his hips. Slowly she pushed him away, tried to scoot back on
the counter, aware of his hand on her hip like a brand, hot and
    "What are you looking for, protestations of
love?" He allowed her to move away and stood straight, his hands
dropping to loosely rest on her spread thighs.
    "You don't even like me." Gazing into his
eyes was like looking into the midnight of a mountain mist, the
gleaming polish of obsidian.
    "What’s not to like? You’re one sexy lady.
But you're going to be here for such a short time. Let's not waste
it. You'll play at ranching until you get bored, or the first
setback hits you. Then you'll be back to the bright city lights as
fast as a plane can take you. I know your type."
    "You don't know me. I'm not a type!"
    "The hell you're not. I married a woman like
you. I know exactly your type. Can't get enough of a romantic
cowboy until the dirt and sweat and monotony of the life disgust
and bore you. Then you'll take off to find something more
    She stared at him. Rampant curiosity rose at
the mention of his wife. Of the circumstances he'd described. Had
she told him that when she left? Or was he just imagining things?
Was he trying to rationalize her leaving? Or did he know for
    Kalli had a million questions. "She was a
city girl?"
    "From Denver. Hooked on rodeo cowboys. Life
was just dandy as long as we followed the circuit, but too dull and
boring when we came back to the ranch to settle down, try to make a
go of things. Alyssa craved the excitement of the rodeo, and the
cowboy of choice didn't matter much, as long as he was part of the
    "Were you hurt when she left?" Kalli asked,
stunned at the bitterness of his tone. Of course he'd been hurt.
The woman he'd loved had left him.
    "I had a year-old baby to take care of. I
didn't have time to be hurt, only mad as hell." He leaned his hands
against the edge of the counter, leaning over her as if to prevent
her from ever moving. He no longer touched, yet Kalli felt

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