Cowboy Country

Read Online Cowboy Country by Sandy Sullivan, Raeanne Hadley, Deb Julienne, Lilly Christine, D'Ann Lindun - Free Book Online Page A

Book: Cowboy Country by Sandy Sullivan, Raeanne Hadley, Deb Julienne, Lilly Christine, D'Ann Lindun Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Sullivan, Raeanne Hadley, Deb Julienne, Lilly Christine, D'Ann Lindun
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manipulative men. He's at the top of the list right now," she replied before grinding her teeth together, trying to hold her temper in check.
    "I bet a lot of your passionate nature comes out between the sheets."
    His words put a halt to her tirade as she stared at him, wondering what he meant by his remark.
    "Since you are finally listening to me, let's get the bull and your horse loaded and get out of Dodge. With a little luck, we can be in Vegas in three days. What do you say?"
    "But I really want to give him an earful at least."
    "I know, darlin'. We'll take care of Kyle some other time. Right now, we need to get to Nevada."
    "All right. Fine. Let's get my gear. We can put my horse in the front of the cargo area and bull in back."
    Her anger would dissipate in time. She knew it better than she knew herself. Her temper always ran hot. Maybe she could find a different way to let off some steam, but probably not. Getting on the road would take care of the white hot rage rushing through her.
    They got her checked out, picked up her small suitcase, the cat, and were on their way to pick up his trailer in no time.
    "Wow. This is bigger inside than I thought," he told her, glancing around inside her truck.
    "I forgot you'd never been inside a big rig. I'd give you a tour, but this is all there is." Her anger had slowly begun to wane. Each shift of the gears made her feel a little better. The open road calmed her down and soothed her nerves like nothing else could—except for maybe one thing.
    "I can't imagine staying in here twenty-four seven."
    "How big is your place?" she asked. His eyes narrowed into slits. She wondered why he looked irritated at her question. "Never mind. It's none of my business anyway."
    "Let's just say it's pretty good sized. I breed American Bucking Bulls. I also run cattle and breed Quarter Horses."
    "Damn. What don't you breed?"
    "Wives, girlfriends, or lovers."
    "Whoa, wait a minute. I'm not looking for any kind of a relationship. I like my life on the road. I sure as hell don't need a man on a permanent basis. They are nothing but a pain in the ass."
    "Good because I don't need an undying relationship either. Casual sex is good for me when I need it."
    A quick exhale blew the hair off her forehead. "I'm glad we're on the same page. Traveling partners for a few days, right?"
    One dark eyebrow shot up when she glanced his way. He looked like he wanted to say something more except he refrained simply by saying, "Yes, ma'am."
    "Wonderful." Then why all of a sudden do I feel so alone?
    Silence encompassed the cab for the rest of the ride to the park. Images of the two of them sprawled across the bed in the trailer, naked and enjoying each other's bodies sped across her mind. Need spiked hard. Both nipples beaded into tight little nubs and she thanked the stars above for the oversized shirt she'd donned before they left the room. Her clit throbbed with her ever increasing heart rate. The tips of her fingers itched to smooth over the hard planes of his chest.
    With every breath, she prayed she could walk away at the end of the trip and go on about her business as if nothing had happened. Somehow she didn't think it would be quite so easy.
    * * * *
    Within two hours, they had both animals loaded as the buildings of Littleton, Oklahoma faded fast into the distance in her rearview mirrors. Tucker sat quietly in the passenger seat and she wondered what thoughts might be going through his mind. Her cat had made friends with Tucker the minute they started driving, by parking her butt in his lap, curling up into a ball and going to sleep.
    "You’re in her seat."
    "I guess so," he replied while his hand stroked Macy’s head.
    "She likes you, otherwise she wouldn’t be curled up in your lap."
    "Wonderful. I’ve made friends with your cat."
    "Well it’s better than what happened in the motel room, isn’t it?"
    They hadn't really discussed what had happened between them earlier. It wasn’t like there

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