Corporate A$$

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Book: Corporate A$$ by Sandi Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandi Lynn
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with you to discuss a few things.”
    “Well, you’re going to have to wait. I already have plans.”
    “Don’t you think that business is a little more important?”
    “Not in all cases. My best friend needs me and I’m going to be there for her.”
    “Suit yourself. I might have to reconsider my offer to help your company.”
    I removed my phone from my ear and looked at it. Was he serious? All because I wouldn’t have dinner with him? Asshole.
    “Do what you have to do then. I have to go.” Click. “JOSH!” I yelled.
    “Yes, Fiona?” He walked into my office.
    “Call the vineyard. I’m heading out there for a meeting tomorrow. Wait. No. Don’t call them. I’ll just make a surprise visit.”
    “Okay.” He sighed as he walked out of my office.

Chapter 14
    “Damn it!” I shouted as I threw my phone across my desk.
    “Is everything okay, Nathan?” Kylie asked with concern as she stepped into my office.
    “No. Everything is not okay.”
    “Anything I can do to help?”
    “Yes. Get Miss Winslow to have dinner with me tonight.”
    “I’ll call her right now, sir.”
    I sighed. “Don’t bother. She already has plans with her friend. Apparently, her friends are more important than her company, which is the reason why she will fail at turning it around.”
    “I agree, Nathan.” She nodded.
    “Is the proposal ready yet?”
    “Almost. The legal department is checking it over one last time to make sure everything is in place.”
    “I need it tonight. Make sure it’s on my desk by seven o’clock.”
    “Yes, sir. Is there anything else?”
    If she wouldn’t have dinner with me tonight, then she would have lunch with me tomorrow. Leaning back in my chair, I recalled our phone conversation. She sounded stressed out. There was no way she could bring that company back without me and my help.
    “Hey, Nathan. You got a minute?” Will asked as he walked in.
    “What’s up?”
    “My contact said that there was a board meeting at Winslow Wines this afternoon and they gave Fiona six months to turn it around or else she was out.”
    “Interesting.” I cocked my head. “Six months is not a lot of time. It sounds like to me they aren’t happy with her taking over.”
    “They aren’t.”
    “Then all she has to do is sign the contracts and her problems will be solved.”
    “I’m not too sure she’s going to sign them once she sees the terms.”
    “Then she’s cutting her own throat. But don’t worry; I’ll get her to sign them. Trust me.” I smiled.
    “I have no doubt you will, but at what price?” His brow arched.
    “Don’t you worry about that. I’ll take care of Miss Winslow.”
    Long-ass day. Pounding headache. Grumbling belly from the lack of food it got today. Sighing, I set down my purse in the hallway before heading into the kitchen, only to find Lydia standing over the island, gripping the edge of the black-specked marble countertop.
    “Hey. Are you okay?”
    She looked up at me with a small smile. “I’m okay. Just tired. Long day.”
    “I hear you. My day sucked too,” I spoke as I grabbed two plates from the upper cabinet.
    As I stared at her, I knew something wasn’t right. But I wasn’t going to force the issue until she was ready to tell me. She took the plates over to the table and I grabbed two wine glasses and a bottle of wine.
    “Oh. None for me.” She held up her hand.
    “What? Why? Are you pregnant or something?” I laughed as I filled both glasses.
    “Yeah. I am,” she spoke in a low voice.
    “What?” I set the wine bottle on the counter and stared at her in disbelief.
    Tears began to fill her eyes as she pursed her lips together and nodded her head.
    “Aw, sweetie.” I walked over and wrapped my arms around her, which sent her into a total crying mess.
    “I just found out last night. I wanted to call you, but I knew you were with Nathan. I took four pregnancy tests and they all came back positive. Every single

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