Compact with the Devil: A Novel

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Book: Compact with the Devil: A Novel by Bethany Maines Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Maines
too much for one agent to take on.”
    “It’s the twenty-first century,” said Jane. “We don’t need to take him on. We need to take on his computer.”
    “OK. Let’s just say we’re in agreement on the solution for problem number one, but since I’m not a computer whiz and you’re on vacation, we’re going to have to table it for right now.”
    “Mmm,” grunted Jane, clearly dissatisfied with that answer. “Problem two. You need to reconnect with Astriz, figure out where Cano is, and then smack the crap out of Camille.”
    “Sort of a three-part problem, but yeah.”
    “I’ve got Astriz’s number here now. Got a pen?”
    “Uh-huh,” said Nikki, digging through Trista’s equipment for a piece of blotting paper and a stick of eyeliner to jot down the numbers Jane recited.
    “I think I’ll make a few calls when we’re done,” said Jane abruptly after finishing. “Astriz may have phoned in to her home branch. Won’t hurt to check it out.”
    “You’re supposed to be on vacation,” protested Nikki.
    “Whatever,” said Jane. “Anyway, problem three is Kit Masters. Do you think he’s really Cano’s target?”
    “At this point, yes,” said Nikki. “Cano has knowledge of Carrie Mae and Camille, and whoever was wearing that gray tracksuit had a backstage pass and came directly here.”
    “So what are you going to do? Chase Cano or chase Tracksuit?”
    “I’m not sure,” answered Nikki. “I feel like Tracksuit is still here. Which makes Tracksuit an easier target than Cano.” Nikki sighed and rubbed her head. “I need to talk to Astriz, see what her situation is.”
    “Good thinking.”
    “Thanks for talking to me, Jane.”
    “No problem. It’s what I do. Ooh, wait … final question,” said Jane.
    “OK, final question,” said Nikki tolerantly.
    “How hot is Kit Masters in person?”
    “Very hot,” said Nikki. “You should see him in his underwear.”
    “Underwear?” shrieked Jane.
    “Gotta go, Jane, duty calls,” said Nikki maliciously, and hit the “off” button.
    Before she could dial Astriz, the phone began to buzz violently. Scrambling to stop the buzz, Nikki hit the “view” button on the incoming text message.
    “Call me after,” was the entire message, and with a shock, Nikki realized that it was from Camille.
    “Everything all right?” asked Trista, reappearing in the doorway.
    “Uh … yeah,” answered Nikki. “Just making one last call.” She dialed Astriz’s number.
    “Hallo, hier ist Astriz. Bitte hinterlassen Sie eine Nachricht nach dem Piepton.” Grumbling, Nikki hung up the phone and dialed again; the phone went to the answering message.
    “Astriz,” said Nikki. “It’s Nikki. Call me back at this number. I chased Cano’s contact to the backstage of the Kit Masters concert. I’m with a former Carrie Mae agent. Call me.” She hung up the phone and tapped her fingers on the countertop of Trista’s work space. If Astriz was as much like Val Robinson as Nikki thought, there would be no call back.
    She needed to find Tracksuit, which was going to be difficult. She needed to see more of the crew and stage area. Nikki sighed and went to stand beside Trista in the doorway.
    “What are you going to do now?” asked Trista.
    “I’m going to wait for my German contact to call me back andthen we’ll see.” Nikki hoped it wouldn’t occur to Trista to ask what she would do if the German contact never called.
    “But you have to stay and help protect Kit!” exclaimed Trista.
    “I’m going to help Kit by finding whoever was meeting Cano,” answered Nikki. “I can’t spend a lot of time worrying about the internal politics of a rock concert. He’s got bodyguards, right? Let them do their job and I’ll do mine. I’m going to have a look around, see if I can spot Tracksuit. I’ve got your phone. Call me if you see anything suspicious.”
    Trista opened her mouth, but Nikki didn’t give her a chance to speak, walking away before the makeup

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