whatever he was dreaming about. The blankets were off his body, but the sheet still clung to his hip, leaving his upper torso naked.
And, oh yum, what a wonderful torso it was. His chest was smooth, the pectoral and abdominal muscles so defined she had the sudden urge to trace her tongue over the dips and ridges.
With a devious smile, she decided on just exactly how she’d wake Trevor this morning. Scooting down on the mattress, Megan leaned over his body and lowered her head to brush a kiss over his abdomen. He didn’t stir and she gave a soft laugh. Well, she’d just have to try harder.
Her long hair fell over his chest as she let her tongue trace one square of muscle on his abs, loving the familiar taste of him as she moved lower.
The air left her lungs as her back slammed into the mattress—the massive arm pinning across her collarbone made it impossible to move and difficult to draw a breath.
Megan gripped Trevor’s forearm, her legs kicking on the bed as she tried to throw him off. Drag in air. The eyes that looked down at her were unfocused and almost black with rage. She knew he wasn’t seeing her, wasn’t really even awake, but the lack of air going to her brain wasn’t going to let her rationalize it.
Trevor blinked and just like that he was back. The rage was replaced with shock and horror as he jerked his arm away from her, allowing her the oxygen she’d been deprived.
“Megan?” he rasped and lurched away from her on the bed, thrusting his fingers over his head. “Fuck. Oh my God. Fuck .”
Even with her heart still pounding a mile a minute, Megan knew he was more upset than she was. She crawled toward him and reached to touch his shoulder, but he shook her off and climbed out of bed.
“I’m sorry,” he ground out, reaching for his jeans and tugging them on, then the rest of his clothes. “Sorry’s not even enough. Shit .”
She swallowed hard, following him out of bed. “Trevor, wait—”
“No. Not now, Megan. Not now.” He shook his head and left her room, heading straight toward the door.
Her heart lurched and she rushed after him, grabbing his arm before he could leave.
“Don’t do this,” she pleaded, digging in her feet to stop him. “Don’t you dare walk out like this.”
He spun around and caught her arms, jerking her against him. His eyes were wild, his face pale.
“Don’t you realize I could’ve fucking killed you?” he asked savagely. “Without even being conscious of it?”
The bite of his fingers against her arms was going to leave bruises, but she didn’t protest as she slid her hands up to cup his face.
“You wouldn’t have, Trevor. I know you wouldn’t have,” she whispered. “Please, just talk to me. Tell me—”
“I can’t. Jesus, Megan, I can’t .” A shudder ripped through him and he looked down, his gaze taking in where he gripped her. His mouth tightened and he cursed, releasing her immediately.
“You can , Trevor. Don’t walk out of here right now.” She made sure every trace of fear was gone from her face, and she slipped into the woman she was during her day job. “If you walk out of here right now you’re risking whatever chance we had at making this work. Is that what you want?”
He shook his head, and opened the door, but she slapped her palm against it.
“Answer me, Trevor,” she yelled. “Do you want this to fail before it even has a chance again? Because if you walk out this door, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.”
His long fingers circled her wrist, but his grip was gentle this time as he pulled her away from the door.
“The only thing I know anymore, Megan, is that I can’t keep hurting you.”
After he’d left, Megan closed her eyes and slid down the door to the floor, curling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.
She bit her lip fiercely, but it didn’t stop the sting of tears in her eyes.
Maybe it had felt natural waking up next to him this morning, and maybe every
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