for them. They are habitually encouraged to experiment with the opposite sex in hopes that they “just might like it” or “turn straight.” Better still, they may only stand to benefit from the proc- ess; after all, they might save their souls from sin and pathological perver- sion, or free themselves from an otherwise self-destructive lifestyle. Consider the rise in American “ex-gay” movements and their gay gulags scattered around the country, which further attest to a sustained social, cultural, and political effort to turn homosexuals into straights. Unfortunately, these largely unregulated sexual orientation conversion camps harm and screw up the helpless youngsters sent off to them.
It helps to recall that the American university setting has only recently been welcoming to gay and lesbian students, staff, and faculty. Despite strides toward greater social acceptance, many private and religious insti- tutions continue to discriminate overtly against homosexual students, staff, and faculty in admission, promotion, or hiring practices, and many now require signed statements of “faith” or “ethics” which demand com- pliance with the institution’s prohibition on homosexual conduct, and adherence to broader religious or ideological foundations. Many who apply for admission or employment may not even be aware of their uni- versity policies on these issues.This is especially the case for undergradu- ates and younger college-aged populations. College students enter university life in the face of innumerable challenges, many of which are unknown and unfamiliar to them. They are required to take on a great
deal of financial, academic, and personal responsibilities all at once. Anyone who is accustomed to working in an academic setting must real- ize that college life, and by extension college students, drastically changed with the times. Factoring in additional complications brought on by being gay or lesbian magnifies challenges a student might face, such as the awkwardness of dorm life, forcible “outing,” homophobic settings in intercollegiate athletics, or unwelcoming fraternities and sororities. Fortunately, there are now GLBT student unions on most campuses and even nationwide gay fraternities such as Delta Lambda Phi and lesbian sororities like Alpha Chi Upsilon.
It is clear that contemporary gay and lesbian students have a greater social space in which to affirm or express their sexuality. Notwithstanding this newfound freedom, the potential does exist that many will and in fact do experiment with opposite-sex encounters for a variety of reasons, some of which markedly differ from reasons applicable to straight coun- terparts – no lesbian is expected to make out with a man in order to please her girlfriend. A gay man is not worried about straight sex experi- mentation defiling his image in the way a straight man might worry about the stigma of gay sex, tarnishing an otherwise pristine reputation; so long as he doesn’t “suck cock” and only plays the active role in anal sex, he continues to “preserve” his heterosexuality – or so the story goes. The reasons for gay and lesbian experimentation with straight sex might not be due to hazing rituals, pledging, or initiation requirements commonly found in heterosexual frat contexts. In fact, Delta Lambda Phi has a strict “no hazing” policy. 4 In such contexts, there is no peer pressure and no need to submit to asinine, often illegal and life-threatening initiation rituals to impress one’s colleagues.
Unlike same-sex experiments, opposite-sex experiments, directly or subconsciously, seek to accommodate social expectations of being straight. The act fulfills a socially idealized role through simulation. While there is no social pressure to be homosexual or engage in same-sex encounters, there is tremendous social, cultural, and psychological pressure to con- form to the status quo of heterosexuality. As one strives, be it unsuccess- fully,
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