Codename: Nightshade (Deadly Seven Strike Force)

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Book: Codename: Nightshade (Deadly Seven Strike Force) by S Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: S Anderson
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pressing a kiss into my hair. “It’s been too long since I’ve had you all to myself like this for a whole night.”
    We take a few minutes to catch our breaths and readjust our clothes. He tosses his used condom in the toilet, flushing as I splash some water on my face at the sink.
    I sneak out first, waiting at the end of the hall for him to exit.
    “I’ll get us something to drink,” he whispers in my ear, and I nod. He won’t wander so far away that I won’t be able to react if something happens.
    And I need some space.
    This past week has been a deeper, darker Hell than usual. It always is when I’m asked to kill someone. I’m thankful the Russian consulate decided a peace summit was needed, ironically, in response to Pishkar’s death. I needed a night with Marko. He lets me drop all my walls. He lets me remember.
    I scratch my neck, scanning the room. My eyes land on each face for a second. I see that the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and even Minister Kulzkoff are here. I find Marko’s parents easily enough. Marko’s mother is every bit as gorgeous as her son—he clearly inherited his looks from her.
    My eyes keep moving, my brain two seconds behind. Young men are introducing young women to their would-be bosses. There’s a mix of English and Russian words infusing the air. If I hadn’t entered from Park Avenue, I might think myself in Moscow and not New York City.
    I stand out like a sore thumb—tanned skin in the midst of so much pale flesh.
    The sun doesn’t like Russia, Poppy. You were built to blend into warm sand. My people have only ice and snow.
    I see similar features on every face around me. Sharp lines, severe expressions, dark hair and eyes… everyone is undoubtedly Russian. My eyes bounce from the tiara worn by some old lady in lace to a pair of black eyes.
    It’s only a second. I’ve looked away before my brain registers what I saw.
    When I look back, he’s gone.
    The face was a good twenty feet away from me. I search through the crowd, but I don’t see him again. An uneasy feeling crawls under my skin.
    I’m going crazy.
    It couldn’t have been him.
    He’s dead.
    My imagination is playing tricks on me.
    Beware the Daeva young one…
    I realize it’s been several minutes, and Marko hasn’t returned with drinks. I make my way to the bar.
    “Have you seen Representative Veltriv?” I ask the bartender.
    She points toward the bathrooms, and I thank her. I assume he actually had to pee this time, but it’s been too long since I’ve laid eyes on him.
    And seeing a ghost is putting me on edge.
    I walk into the bathroom, stalling in the doorway.
    Four men I’ve seen with Marko before are huddled around the sinks. Each of them might as well have Idiot 1 through 5 painted on their backs. They’re all young, too wealthy and bored to give a shit about getting any older.
    The man furthest from me is rubbing his teeth with his finger. The three others between him and Marko are washing their faces. Marko is hunched over a small square of glass.
    Snorting lines of coke.
    “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
    All five men jump at the sound of my voice. Marko rubs his nose, sniffing the last of the drug into his system. I can tell he’s been gone longer than I realized. His pupils are already dilated, and he has a look in his eyes that warns he wants a second round in this room as soon as possible.
    “Thank you so much for visiting Representative Veltriv this evening, gentlemen,” I say. “But he’s on a tight schedule that doesn’t include any further activities with you.”
    The men pack their supplies, giving me 'uncool mom' looks as they exit. Marko leans against the sink, grinning like an idiot.
    “If you wanted me all to yourself tonight, you only had to ask, Poppy .”
    “Don’t call me that when you’re like this,” I say, clutching his chin in my hand to inspect his eyes. “You do realize that someone can slip you bad shit, right? You do get

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