Clash (The Arinthian Line Book 4)
should the call arise to take the soldiers down.
    “Isn’t that the supposedly corrupt constable?” Leera whispered.
    “Shh,” Bridget quickly said.
    Augum did recall Jengo mentioning something on the subject, but then again, Jengo was quite prone to exaggeration.
    Constable Clouds adjusted the grip on his cane with an arm that perpetually shook. “Mr. Haroun, I am sure you have already heard word from the Herald—”
    “We have indeed. The news just reached us, in point of fact.”
    “I understand. The roads have been treacherous of late. Bandits, you see. Regardless, as before, I am here on behalf of the Legion. However, this time it is to stay.”
    The crowd stirred anxiously.
    Clouds made a placating gesture with a meaty hand. “But I do not wish to cause any concern to you or to the villagers of Milham, Mr. Haroun. I am here to maintain order as per Legion decree number ninety-six. These are my trusted guards and enforcers of the law—Lieutenant Briggs and Sergeant Cobb. You will find them as just and fair as I.”
    That did not seem to quell the mutterings.
    “What is it we can do for you, Constable?” Mr. Haroun asked.
    Clouds coughed into the cloth. Augum noticed he wore a wedding ring. “Again, I do not wish to bestow alarm or fear in Milham. Like you all, I pray for peace. Let us ride out the war together without harm. All we require is a domicile. If none can be provided, we shall build one.”
    “But the war is over, is it not?” a woman called from the crowd. “Tiberra has fallen.”
    The constable dabbed at his sweaty face. He sounded tired. “Ah, if only it were so. I am afraid that for the Legion, the war is never over.”
    An odd thing to say, Augum thought to himself. Some in the Legion could even find that kind of talk treasonous.
    “But I repeat, you yourselves need not fear,” Clouds went on. “Milham is an isolated mining village. There shan’t be armies marching through here.”
    “And what of our men?” called the same woman. “Are you here to take our men?”
    Clouds glanced back at the pot-helmed soldiers, who sat silently on their stallions, before turning back to the anxious crowd. “Here me thus and hear me clear—as long as my commander has no reason to come to Milham, we will not take any men or confiscate property—except when absolutely necessary. Again, I repeat—we are not here to cause a disturbance. We wish you to go on about your business as before, without fear or worry.” He took a moment to catch his breath before continuing. “We are family men who know the value of love and community. Please, do not be afraid to come to us with your concerns. I assure you, we will do our best to help everyone. I know you have heard stories of soldiers … taking advantage. We are not those kinds of soldiers. We are not spies. We are not your enemy.”
    “Must be some kind of trick,” Bridget whispered as the crowd muttered amongst themselves, some in evident relief. “Isn’t it?”
    Augum only shook his head in bewilderment, mirroring the same slack look of disbelief as the crowd.
    “That said,” Clouds continued, “I am afraid I must confiscate some weapons. We should consider it a gesture of appeasement. Please place what you can spare into the wagon as soon as possible. Let us at least make a show of it. Further, I will be sending the wagon back to Eastspear on a regular basis with taxes and any necessary requests from command. Also, please refrain from speaking about the gods in public or gathering in groups of ten or more. I must stress that we must appear to be following the letter of all requests.”
    Augum shook his head slowly. What was going on here? This man wasn’t like any Legion soldier he’d come across before …
    Mr. Haroun raised his chin. “I hope you are truly sincere, good sir. Many here have endured enough grief for this lifetime.”
    “I assure you I am. As a token of our trust in each other, allow us to present our families.” The

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