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Book: Clarity by Claire Farrell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Farrell
got what she was saying. Her family was pretty tame, relatively speaking, but whenever Jeremy looked in my direction, I instinctively wanted to take a step backward. Aside from his natural aggression, he had that air of just hunted about him. I was beginning to recognise the lightness and freeness in all of the werewolves right after the hunt. I tried not to think of what the hunt entailed, because I might never want to kiss Nathan again if I imagined a visual.
    “What’s going on anyway?”
    She shrugged, and when she spoke, her voice was laden with bitterness. “As if they’d tell the non-wolf.” I pitied her then, how she felt left out from her own family because she was relatively normal. I found it strange when Nathan felt left out for not embracing how similar he was to them.
    Byron stormed out of his office, seemingly intent on leaving the house in a strop, but a pretty, dark-haired woman stopped him, resting her hand on his shoulder as she spoke to him. He stepped back, forcing her to drop her hand. Her face fell with it.
    “Who’s that?” I asked Amelia.
    “Who? Oh… the caterer, I think. She might have organised the whole thing, actually. Why?”
    “Never mind.” I watched until he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving the woman staring regretfully after him. She was obviously interested in him, but he was typically cold to her. I knew his mate was gone, but surely he could have other relationships. Did the curse really doom men to be alone in the end?
    Gran waved, and we reluctantly joined her. Her gaggle of old ladies had already left, and she was probably feeling a little lonely since she decided to not engage in a conversation with Erin .
    “How are you doing, little one?” she said to Amelia, who pretty much lapped up the attention.
    “Who’s that with Nathan?” Dad asked.
    “Cousin. Home for a while.”
    “He looks quite happy, considering why we’re here.”
    “Stop being so judgy . Sorry,” I amended when I saw the look on his face. “But please, try to be nice to Nathan’s family.”
    “I wasn’t planning on being anything but nice.” He sounded offended, but I knew him. “I thought Joey might have been here.”
    “Tammie probably wouldn’t let him come. She doesn’t like Nathan and Amelia.”
    “Oh, she hates all of those tattoos. And the drug-taking. Plus Amelia’s part-time job as a pole dancer bothers her.” I rolled my eyes. “Come off it, Dad. It’s Tammie. She doesn’t need an excuse. She’s horrible for reasons known only to her, and at this stage, I seriously doubt she even knows herself.”
    “I said one word, Perdy . Erin , did I imply anything at all?”
    Erin grinned. “Not in so many words. Luckily, Perdy knows you better than that.”
    “Stop ganging up on me,” he said. He gave a little ick -worthy grin. “Still, if Tammie doesn’t like them, it probably means they’re decent.”
    “Um, she loves Joey,” I reminded him.
    He snorted. “Love. Teenagers don’t love.” He wandered off to chat to someone else.
    “So,” Erin said. “Feeling okay?”
    I stared at Nathan, forgetting all about Erin . His conversation was full of animation, and I was relieved he was getting on with his cousin, even if I was a little peeved that he had made some pretty big assumptions because of his cousin’s appearance. And his behaviour in general would still require a conversation or three.
    I wished Tammie and Joey were around. They would have been company while Nathan and Jeremy caught up, and Amelia floated around like a miniature social butterfly.
    My heart practically fell to my feet when I saw Jakob , closely followed by Byron, approach my father.
    “You should all stay for a few drinks when everyone is gone,” Jakob said. “It’s probably about time our families got to know one another, now that our children are such good friends.” He gave me a distinctly wolfy smile, and I had to wonder what his game was. Byron looked

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