Claim (A Dangerous Man, #3)
changed man, and it’s about time.”
    The memory of Carlo’s words, spoken when his family spent an afternoon with Sophie and me in Florence, is accompanied by vivid memories of the two-week holiday, lazy days in the sun, making hot sweet love in every single room of my spacious villa, and just enjoying each other’s company.
    I turn to look at her, sitting beside me in the back of the car, Sophie looks beautiful, her figure perfect in a beautiful blue evening gown, and her face serene, showing no signs of the fact that we just made mind-blowing love in the apartment before setting out for the charity event we’re attending. Around her slender neck, the stones in the necklace I had made from one of her designs sparkle fiercely, reminding me of the few instances when I’ve experienced her temper.
    As if she can feel my eyes on her, she turns to look at me, wide green eyes drawing me into their depths.
    For a second, I can’t quite catch my breath.
    I do feel like a changed man. I feel like I’ve been given something that I don’t deserve. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and every single moment, I’m terrified by the fear that I’ll lose it.
    That I’ll lose her.
    I give her a small smile and turn away, busying myself with looking out of the windows on my side. Steve is driving, quiet as usual. I wonder what he would say if I told him that I’m afraid.
    Afraid of falling in love with my wife.
    Love is a weakness. I learned that the hard way. Love makes you risk everything, and gives you nothing but disappointment, scorn, and the lifelong scars of heartbreak in return. I know that from experience.
    Experience I’d rather not repeat.
    Regardless, I can feel my control slipping away. What began as an impulsive decision has become the defining event of my life.
    And it’s not just the sex, though that is phenomenal. I only have to close my eyes to relive the feeling of just a few minutes ago, my hard erection fully encased in her warm tightness, her long low moans as I drove deeper into her with each thrust, the blinding pleasure, the explosive release.
    I take a deep breath and snap out of my erotic thoughts as Steve parks in front of the hotel where the event is taking place.
    Inside, there is a crush of well-dressed people, eager to be seen and admired. I can’t help thinking of the parties my mother and Henry Weber used to have, all glamour and no substance. This however is different, I remind myself, at least we’re raising money for a cause.
    Peggy Hart waylays me almost immediately. She’s one of the richest women in the country, and she actively supports a whole lot of causes. I’ve always admired Peggy. Outside, she doesn’t look like much, but she’s relentless in getting what she wants. Today it’s money for the Alliance for education, and from the smile on her face, I’m sure she’s already raised a lot.
    “David darling!” She kisses both my cheeks before turning to Sophie. “You must be the lovely Sophie.” She says, “I’ve only recently heard about you, you know. David has been keeping you a terrible secret.”
    As if, we need anybody to remind us of that. Sophie doesn’t seem offended at all, she’s looking curiously at Peggy, who is laughing. “Aren’t you a pretty thing though?” She tells Sophie.
    Sophie turns to me, a small curious smile on her lips. I remember my manners and introduce them. “Sophie sweetheart, this exceptionally beautiful lady is the incomparable Peggy Hart.”
    Sophie’s eyes widen with comprehension. “I’m very honored to meet you.” She says to Peggy.
    Peggy dimples, obviously flattered. “Thank you darling.” She tells Sophie, before turning to me with a snort. “I’m not even going to respond to your flattery.”
    She leads the way into the room, taking the time to tell me before she leaves us, that Carole has insisted on being seated at my table. Knowing Carole, that’s her way of announcing to the world that she doesn’t

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