Chronicles of Aurderia: The Balance

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Book: Chronicles of Aurderia: The Balance by J. Steven Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. Steven Young
Tags: Fantasy
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dear you and Shuran run along and practice your lessons. Just me and Old Coder agreein’ not to agree is all.” Moona glared at Codger as she turned to follow the boys back out on deck.
    “Moona, how long have you and Codger been wed?” Mally asked.  
    “Oh my, that be a very long time ago. We were married when I was but a woman new, over two hundred and twenty harvests past,” Moona replied reminiscently.  
    Moona continued telling the boys of how she and Codger met in her twenty-third harvest. Moona had an herb shop in Rivenwood and was working one day when a then younger Codger of Dravenport, came into her shop looking for particularly rare and dangerous ingredients.  
    Never one to get involved in another’s business, Moona naturally inquired as to why anyone in their proper brain would be looking for such things. She of course, butt right into his business and after finally agreeing to acquire what he asked, told him to return in one cycles time. Moona being the self-professed expert in herb work and base mixing set about figuring out what he wanted them for. Moona actually had the requested items in her stock, but being both nosey and smitten had to keep this fine asipu around.  
    At cycles end, Codger returned to her cluttered shop with high hopes. She gave him the ingredients but told him that if he was looking for it to work it would not. He was after a love potion and she explained that business of the romantic could not be created to last. They argued into the late day and before long the spark between them was ignited.
    “If you are wed so-o long, then where are your sprats now?” Mally asked.  
    “We were only ever to have one sprat, a boy,” Moona said blankly. “He was young and handsome, but only mildly talented in the Essence.”  
    “Where is he now?” Inquired Shuran.  
    Moona stood staring at them for several moments before Codger interrupted.  
    “He was taken from us before his twentieth harvest.” He left no indication that there was anything more to discuss.  
    Moona quickly changed the subject. “Now boys, we’ll be reachin’ home by this time on the morrow. There are some things we need to set down as rule before then,” Moona said.  
    She told them about the need to keep to themselves and not draw attention. The Land’s Guard will be still looking for an old woman and they mustn’ be caught weaving or using the Essence. It is against the laws set by the Great Meddlin’ Council, to practice without sanction and any under age of fifteen would be taken by the Council for testing and either trained or hobbled as they saw fit.  
    The boys nodded in agreement with no true understanding of the importance, but listened and intended to obey.
    The Melammu Nanna lurched forward as it finally came to rest on the sandy beaches nearest they could get to what was to become their new home, Moona’s cabin in the Birchshire woods.  
    Codger lowered the plank to a rocky outcropping that served as a natural pier before heading ashore to tie down the ship. The party gathered their belongings and headed off into the woods for the long walk to the cabin. When they arrived Moona was both excited and shocked by what she saw.  
    The Cabin looked the same as it had the day she left. There were animals in pens off behind the place and her herb gardens were hearty, if not a bit over grown. She decided that would be the first thing that needed doing. She entered the cabin to find all her old things exactly where she left them. She systematically began checking every room, every cupboard, and every corner. Not a single thing had changed in over one hundred harvests since last she was here.  
    “Had friends look after the place any time I left,” Codger simply said.  
    “Don’ think that gets you any special privilege if you catch me!” Moona said as she eyed him suspiciously.  
    “Smoke your pipe woman! I wouldn’ want that wrinkly dried up ol’ mess any how.” Codger grumbled with

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