Christmas with her Boss

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Book: Christmas with her Boss by Marion Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marion Lennox
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the vat room.’
    â€˜Wellingtons,’ Kerrie said, entranced.
    â€˜This is Kerrie,’ Meg said. ‘Kerrie, this is William.’
    â€˜Your boss?’ Kerrie asked.
    â€˜Not right this minute he’s not,’ she said firmly. ‘Now he’s offering to be a worker. You want to use Ron’s gear? The cows will settle once you look familiar.’ She pointed to the vat room.
    â€˜There’s babies in there,’ William said nervously, and both women burst out laughing.
    â€˜If you’re going to give me a hard time…’ William said but, to Meg’s amazement, he was smiling.
    â€˜Nah, you’re free labour,’ Meg said, smiling right back. ‘Kerrie, you’re responsible for keeping Mr McMaster free of all babies. Get changed and come out and we’ll introduce you to Cows One to a Hundred.
    â€˜Only now they all have names,’ Kerrie reminded her. ‘I’ll teach you.’
    â€˜Teach us both,’ Meg said. ‘It seems we both need to get used to names.’
    By the time they finished, the sun was already spreading warmth, promising a hot day to come. Meg set William to sluicing the dairy while she did who knew what with the equipment in the vat room. Sluicing was, William found, a curiously satisfying job, controlling a hose with enough water power to drive the mess off the ramp and into the drains. It was a manly sort of hose, he decided, and he set about enjoying himself.
    Kerrie collected her kids and made to leave. ‘I’ll see you tonight,’ she called to Meg and he thought suddenly, she looks tired.
    Three kids, so small… What was she doing, milking twice a day?
    â€˜Are you milking over Christmas?’ he asked, and Kerrie nodded.
    â€˜Letty and I milk twice a day. When Meg’s here Letty gets time off. She needs it.’
    â€˜When do you get a sleep-in?’ he asked and suddenly Meg was outside again, listening.
    â€˜With three babies?’ Kerrie asked, as if sleep-ins were unheard of.
    â€˜Their dad…’
    â€˜He did a runner,’ Kerrie said, with feigned indifference. ‘Milking for Meg’s the only thing between me and bankruptcy.’
    And William glanced over at Meg, caught her urgent, unspoken message and knew it was true.
    â€˜So you’re milking morning and night all over Christmas.’
    â€˜I like it,’ Kerrie said.
    â€˜So if I said I’d do it for you…’
    Both women drew in their breath. Meg’s face went still. She obviously hadn’t expected this.
    â€˜If it’s okay with Meg, that is,’ he said and swooshed a mess of stuff from the ramp. Swooshing felt excellent.
    Meg smiled. He liked it when she smiled. How come he hadn’t noticed that smile way before now?
    â€˜It’s fine by me,’ Meg said, ‘but…’
    â€˜But I can’t afford it,’ Kerrie said, suddenly breathless. ‘I mean…it’s a lovely offer but…’
    â€˜But nothing,’ Meg said, suddenly rock solid, smiling at William as if he was Santa in person. ‘William’s offering to do it for free. I’m sure of it. I’ve budgeted for your pay so this is his gift to you. Let the man be magnanimous.’
    â€˜Magnanimous?’ Kerrie ventured.
    â€˜Manly,’ Meg said, grinning. ‘This is a very manly gesture.’
    â€˜If you’re sure,’ Kerrie whispered, sounding awed.
    â€˜Of course he’s sure,’ Meg said, smiling and smiling. ‘There’s so much women’s work to be done over Christmas, and what do the men do? They buy a bottle of perfume at the last minute, if we’re lucky. Even Scotty. He’s left his Christmas shopping to the last minute and I have to take him to Curalo this morning. I’ll stand outside the shop while he buys me the perfume I’ve told him I like and then I’ll drive him home andthat’s his

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