Christmas Caramel Murder

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Book: Christmas Caramel Murder by Joanne Fluke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Fluke
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    â€œDo you want to interview Hannah now?” Michelle asked Mike. “Or would you rather wait until after you eat?”
    â€œNow. I’ve got most of what I need, and it shouldn’t take more than ten minutes.” Mike walked over to the couch, sat down, and patted the cushion next to him. “Come over here, Hannah. Lonnie can keep Michelle company in the kitchen.”
    Hannah took a seat on the cushion next to Mike. “What else do you need to know?”
    â€œI need answers to a couple of questions that occurred to me after you’d left. Did you see the body from the top of the ditch?”
    â€œNo. The ditch is quite deep, and it was too dark to see much of anything. I just happened to notice something red in the snow, and I went to see what it was.”
    â€œDid you think it was blood?”
    â€œNo, not at all. Both Lisa and I could see that it was something made of cloth. I thought it was a mitten, or a glove, or maybe a scarf. And since it wasn’t that far from the lip of the ditch, I told Lisa that I was going to climb down to get it.”
    â€œYou told me that earlier, but you didn’t tell me why.”
    For a moment, Hannah was puzzled. “Why what?”
    â€œWhy did you go down to get it?”
    â€œOh. Because somebody had obviously lost whatever it was and I thought they might have wanted it back.”
    Mike smiled at her. “That figures. You’re just a helpful person by nature. Why didn’t Lisa go with you?”
    â€œShe would have, but the snow was deep and she was wearing ankle boots. I had my regular boots on and they’re knee-highs. It was a good thing, too. The snow was really deep down there.”
    â€œAnd the cloth you spotted was . . . ?”
    â€œA Santa hat. I picked it up and I intended to climb right back up when I saw something else.”
    â€œThe body?”
    â€œActually . . . no. I hadn’t seen that yet. It was at the bottom of the ditch. I thought I’d spotted something else, but I couldn’t find it again when I got down there. But I did find something else quite near the bottom.”
    â€œWhat was that?”
    â€œI’ll tell you, but it’s something very . . .” Hannah paused, searching for the right word. “Let’s just say that it was something very sensitive.”
    â€œSomething sensitive in what way?”
    â€œWell . . .” Hannah paused again and took a moment to formulate her answer. “Look, Mike . . . do you really have to put what I tell you in your report?”
    â€œThat depends on whether or not it has anything to do with the investigation.”
    â€œBut if it’s just personal and it doesn’t have anything to do with the murder, then you don’t have to put it in your report, do you?”
    â€œI’ll have to make up my own mind on that, Hannah. And I’ll do that after you tell me what it was.”
    Hannah sighed deeply. She wished she’d never mentioned that second object, but she had and now she was obligated to tell Mike.
    â€œYes. I know. I have to tell you. But first, I have to know if you really like Lisa.”
    Mike reared back in surprise. “Of course I like Lisa! She’s like a younger sister to me.”
    â€œOkay. How about Herb? Do you like Herb?”
    The puzzled expression on Mike’s face didn’t change with this new question. “Sure, I do. Herb’s a regular guy. What’s this all about, Hannah?”
    â€œIt’s complicated.” Hannah took a moment to phrase her answer. “Lisa’s worried that Herb was getting a little too close and personal with Phyllis Bates, now that Mayor Bascomb reassigned her to Herb’s office. Herb’s been coming home really late almost every night, and Lisa knows he’s not at work because she drove past his office and his car wasn’t there.”
    â€œOkay. As far as I know,

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