Chocolate and Italian Wine (Music and Mayhem Book 1)

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Book: Chocolate and Italian Wine (Music and Mayhem Book 1) by Lili Porter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lili Porter
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you think that I am becoming distracted after one lunch, well, you are not giving me enough credit for being Raffaelo Montovani’s son and heir. I know why I’m here. I haven’t forgotten.” 
    His father was silent. He eventually said, “Paolo, you need to remember that you are to be married in two weeks. I expect you to get over this obsession and get back on track.”
    “It’s not an obsession, Papa,” he said.
    “Whatever it is, it needs to end. You’ve finally met her. It’s over. Now, you and your brothers will be entertaining some of our friends tomorrow.”
    Paolo sat back and swiveled his chair around, looking at the Santa Monica Mountains in the distance. “Ti sento.”
    “Michele and Alberto Amatore will be there to assist. Capisci?” his father stated.
    “Ti capisco.”  
    “Sara bene,” his father told Paolo.
    Yes, Pop, I know it will be fine , Paolo thought. 
    When the call ended, Paolo let go a gust of air and took off his tie. He threw the silk material onto a chair sitting in front of his desk. He knew the assignment was a test. One that, if completed successfully, his father would reward him with power to rival his own. He buzzed Davit’s office. “Hey, Dave,” he said over the speaker. “Come in here a minute. Danny here yet?”
    “No, I haven’t seen him this morning. Be right there.”
    Sipping his coffee, he buzzed Willa. “Can you come in here for a second, please, Willa?”
    “Yes, Mr. Montovani,” she said.
    Paolo tried to relax his thoughts, but didn’t have much time. The door opened and both Willa and Davit walked through. Willa stood there, blushing next to his brother who walked in with a hand pushed down into his pocket, the other finishing a text. Davit turned and smirked at Willa and then looked at Paolo and shook his head. Paolo looked at the two of them, quickly assessing the situation.
    “Willa, would you bring me some more coffee,” he asked, handing his cup to her.              
    “You want something?” he asked Davit. 
    “Naw, I’m good,” Davit said and again he smirked at Willa.
    Willa walked over to Paolo, cautiously and unsteady on her new high heels, and took the mug. Then she glanced at the two men and walked out of the office, seeming quite self -conscious.
    “That chick’s weird,” Davit said. “Acts like she can’t talk when I’m around. Just looks at me all...” He made a googly-eyed look that made his older brother chuckle. 
    “Don’t be leading her on,” Paolo said quite seriously. “She’s very reliable and reliable help is hard to find.”
    Davit frowned. “Please. I’m not giving that woman ideas, whatever’s going on with her is definitely all in her head.” 
    “Well, you just make sure you don’t consciously contribute to it.”
    Davit sat down, unbuttoning his suit-coat. “Whatever, dude.”
    Paolo shook his head and waved it off. There was something more important to discuss. “Papa called.” Two simple, yet magical words. That was all it took for Davit to get focused.

    Click, click, click.  The camera flashed photo after photo.
    “Turn to your right, Karisma. A little more. Good...Beautiful!”
    Karisma turned and twirled as she posed for the photographer. On this day, the clothes she modeled were those of up and coming designers. Considered a fashion icon, her style was often and widely emulated, and a piece worn by her was guaranteed to garner attention and plenty of more affordable knock-off versions.
    “Oh yeah, girl, work it!” Juan the cameraman said. He was a small and thin guy with a wild orange Mohawk. But he was the best. “You’re such a diva, Karisma. A perfect canvas,” he cooed as he took pictures of her in nearly every pose he could think of.
    Karisma was patient, following orders and giving her best. It was always grueling work and after several hours, she was often bored with the entire process. As Juan called out orders, she lifted up a sheer red scarf and

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