Chills & Thrills: Three Novel Box Set
also of the tiger moth. One thing the teachers had taught her is that by utilizing energies from other sources she could strengthen her abilities. Because she was an audial, she typically called upon sources that were known for their strength in hearing. The owl was obvious. The tiger moth worked from sonar to avoid being eaten by bats. She had to learn about all sorts of animals, minerals, plant life, insects, water life, and more. She liked working with the tiger moth because it knew how to get out of the way of the predator. The owl scared her some because of its predatory nature.
    As she slowed her breathing and allowed the two sources to begin working with her, she envisioned Orlenda in her mind. She had the advantage of already seeing and speaking to the woman. In her mind’s eye she could see the shield around her.
    Hope asked her two sources to see if they could fly through the shield. The owl tried but could not. His energy was stronger and bigger, and he couldn’t break through. But the tiger moth found a small space that had not been sealed up as tightly as the rest of the shield around Orlenda, and the moth was inside.
    Orlenda was on the phone and, surprisingly to Hope, she was speaking Russian. Even though Hope knew the language, tuning into foreign languages was always a challenge, and called upon all her gifts. As it was, she caught the tail-end of the conversation.
    “I will get you what you need. I am working on it now with the child. It is only a matter of time.”
    Orlenda hung up the phone and the tiger moth backed out of the shield.
    Hope opened her eyes. Her stomach hurt. She had to find a way out of here, and find someone good. Someone who could stop the crazy woman.
    Hope had multiple problems though. She had no idea how to get out of the place, or even where she was. And, even if she did get out of there, she had no idea who was good and who would help her.
    Chapter Fourteen
    “Orlenda has her,” I said pacing back and forth across the gleaming hardwood floor. The floor to ceiling windows exposed a vast darkness that led to the open seas below. A light off a boat flickered in the distance and reminded me of just how alone Hope had to be feeling in that very moment.
    “Then that little girl has some very significant, very important information,” Noah said, reading my mind—and, yes, he probably was reading my mind.
    “The kind that can destroy millions, I’m sure,” Ayden chimed in.
    I stopped pacing, crossed my arms and faced my boys. “Simms knows more than he’s saying. A lot more.” I firmly believed this because Simms had known Orlenda Kobach, and he’d known her in the Biblical sense. The way my father had been located was through bedroom talk between Simms and Orlenda as he’d played double agent at the time. Orlenda had never forgotten it. That much I am sure. No woman likes to be screwed over. And, a woman like Orlenda Kobach would seek revenge until she got it. My senses were telling me that Hope Mitchell was a part of that revenge, and I also believed strongly that I was included in the vendetta. Let’s just say that, like Orlenda, I have not forgotten being wronged and the wrong that I suffered was far worse than a few rolls in the hay. No. The wrong I suffered was watching my father die in front of my eyes.
    And now, my sworn enemy had a little girl with the same gift I possessed, and I knew what that child would be facing if we didn’t find her quickly.
    “Do you want to find Simms and have a few words with him? See what he knows?” Noah asked.
    “I think it’s a waste of our time. I think Simms is hiding something. Ayden told us that that her mother is afraid of Simms. And, you said that her mother isn’t even her biological mother. I think Simms wants this little girl back for some selfish reasons, and my guess is that it’s the same reason that Orlenda has her.”
    “What do we do?” Ayden asked.
    “Call and get the plane fueled.

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