Chief Cook and Bottle Washer
that fast stuff," Deke glanced at
the fiddler and smiled. And he certainly didn't want to dance a
slow dance with Emma. He wasn't baiting his own hook. He was too
aware of her to pull that sweet little body of Emma's against his
own. He knew better. He'd dealt with temptation before, and it
wasn't one of his strong points. Instead he nodded in the direction
of a tall man approaching them.
    "I think it's time you met my other brother.
Emma this is Jake, the serious one of the bunch." Deke almost
guided Emma into Jake's arms.
    Now why had he done that? Emma wasn't for
Jake, he reminded himself a little too late. He practically pushed
her into Jake's arms. And Jake didn't seem to mind a bit. Not if
that big grin on his face was any sign.
    "Emma," Jake tipped his hat, smiled and took
her into his arms more fully. "Hank rode out to tell me we had
company, but he didn't tell me she was a knockout in
    Deke firmed his lips together. Since when did
his oldest brother ever take to flirting? Jake was the serious
type, not a flirt. So why didn't he beg off the dancing? Why had he
taken Emma in his arms as though she belonged there and waltzed her
around the big backyard patio as though they were made for each
other? This wasn't what Deke had planned. He'd better inform Jake
of what was going on before Jake spoiled everything.
    He watched them dance several dances, and saw
Jake's hand tighten around her a bit as he twirled her into his
arms and out again. He saw Emma smile at Jake and something like a
sledge hammer hit Deke square in the head.
    This wasn't supposed to happen. She wasn't
supposed to fall for Jake. She wasn't for him! It was wrong, all
wrong, and all his fault.
    He had to stop this before it went too far.
Before Emma set her sights for Jake. Didn't she know he was the
wrong brother?
    Without thinking, Deke waited till Jake
twirled Emma about one more time, and grabbed her hand from Jake's.
Deke forgot he couldn't dance this kind of dance and took control.
He made a few mock moves and then suddenly, the fiddler slowed the
music and Emma was in his arms. All of her!
    Good Lord, the woman was soft and smelled so
sweet like one of those flowers his mother used to plant near the
house. She was smiling at him just like she smiled at Jake. He had
to shake himself from enjoying just being this close to the woman
and start thinking of how he could redirect her interest.
    "Jake's a good dancer," Deke acknowledged.
God, he shouldn't have said Jake, he meant Clint. What was wrong
with him?
    "You're not so bad yourself." She smiled.
    "But Clint is the best," Deke needed to
include his younger brother in the conversation.
    "Yes, he's very good too," She smiled and
glanced at the tall cowboy who was watching them with interest.
    "It's hard to believe none of you Travers men
are married," she chuckled softly into the night air.
    He liked the sound of her voice, and when she
chuckled it tickled his toes. A cowboy's toes shouldn't tickle, he
warned himself and straightened the foolish grin on his face. But
what was he getting so shook up about, she was just being
    "Jake was married a while."
    "Really, what happened. I mean–didn't it work
out?" Emma was trying to be polite.
    "No it didn't. Jake has the habit of falling
for women that aren't his type. He's a very quiet man, studious in
fact. He married a young gal that hadn't sewn all her oats
    "How terrible for Jake," Emma murmured as her
eyes drifted to the tall cowboy in the shadows now.
    "Maybe, maybe not. It put his head on
straight, no doubt about that."
    "And you?"
    "Yes, why haven't you married? Aren't you the
oldest?" Emma asked then instantly covered her mouth. "I'm sorry, I
shouldn't be so nosy."
    "That's alright Emma, you're practically
family now. It's no secret I'm no ladies man. Besides, I don't have
time for a family of my own. I've got a ranch to run, and a couple
of fun-loving brothers to corral, not to mention my dad." Deke

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