recognize that he is not a desirable partner for my sister.””
“I can never win with you. What will it take for you to just give him a chance?”
“For hell to freeze over.”
Frustrated with my conversation with Jett, I move closer to my mom and James. I can see that my mother is charmed and am relieved that at least one member of my family seems to be accepting our relationship. James casually drapes his arm around my waist and pulls me closer. Even that minimum contact makes the butterflies in my stomach flutter. Leaning down, James whispers in my ear. “That’’s a beautiful dress, but next time I want to take you shopping.”
His comment surprises me. I crook my neck to look up at him. “Are you telling me that you are one of those rare men who like to shop?”
“Not ordinarily, but somehow the idea of watching you try on frock after frock is very appealing.”
My mother breaks in. “What are you two whispering about?”
“James just told me that he would like to go clothes shopping with me.” I make sure to emphasize the word “clothes.”
My mother looks at him speculatively before turning back to me. “You better take advantage of the offer while it lasts.”
Rolling my eyes, I look between her and Jett. “What makes the two of you so pessimistic about relationships?”
“I don’t know about Jett, but being married to your father cured every romantic bone in my body.” Jett and I are used to these disparaging remarks about my father, but I don’’t miss the surprised look on James’s face.
“My parents don’t exactly get along.” I wrinkle my brow trying to remember what I had told him about my parents in the past. ““You put them together and it is like the War of the Roses on steroids.”
“That bad?”
Jett overrides my mother’s denials. “Yea, that bad, but don’t worry, they usually manage to keep their spats under wraps at family gatherings.”” I give Jett the evil eye, willing him to wipe the smirk off his face.
James cuts into our silent battle. “I’d like to meet your father and your other brother. Maybe we can plan a trip to Indy sometime soon.”
Once again I am surprised by his thoughtfulness. I feel like I am getting to know a new side of James. I give him a warm smile. “That would be nice.”
“There you are. I have been looking all over for you.” Alana walks up to James and kisses him on both cheeks. “Your grandfather sent me to find you. He said he needs to speak with you.”
Alana did not even look in our direction, so we are forced into the role of unwilling bystanders for this exchange. James, however, takes control of the situation by taking his mother’s arm and turning her in our direction. “Thank you for the message, Mother. Have you met Lainey’’s family?” We suffer through a few minutes of stilted conversation until James pulls me aside. “I’d better find my grandfather.””
Instead of letting go of my hand and leaving me, he pulls me along behind him. “You’re taking me with you?” I glance back at Jett and my mother, who are still speaking with Alana.
“It feels like I haven’t seen you for days. You are not going to get rid of me so easily.”
We track down Gordon, who proceeds to lead us into a home office. He eyes me briefly before turning to James. “Are you sure you want her here?”
“She stays.” Gordon arches his eyebrows but doesn’t comment further.
“Rex should be here any moment. Were you able to get the charges against him dropped?”
“Yes, the whole thing has been cleared up to everyone’s satisfaction.”
The three of us turn to face the door when it opens. Rex enters first, and I am surprised to see Davis come in behind him. “Davis, what are you doing here?”
James reaches over and wraps his hand around my wrist. “It’s a long story, but we have been trying to get a handle on the Tobin situation.”
I turn wide eyes to James. “What has been going on?”
“You don’t
Maureen McKade
Fay Weldon
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Felicia Luna Lemus
Ava Claire
Graham Masterton
Terry Spear
Mazo de La Roche
John Meaney